Chapter 9- Telling the Truth

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*Ren's POV*

We all sat down, and I started talking.

"I was born on 2001 on May 10th. I was born accidentally, so my parents basically didn't want me. I had two friends and a girlfriend. My two friends were Katsu and Aiko, while my girlfriend was Akira. We were best buddies. When I was eight, I had enough of being ignored by my family. I told this to Akira and her solution was making a song about it. We both put all the bad things in our lives in that song. Soon, I was singing it all the time.

One day while singing it, my mother heard me and started putting me in competitions. I always won, and she would give me a quarter of the money all the time. Trying to save up, I kept my money in a private bank acccount. I thought I was being loved until I realized it wasn't me who she loved. It was the money that I produced from my voice.

Knowing that, I ran away from home. I took all the money I could find, including my bank savings, and started to run to my new life.

Akira, Katsu, and Aiko tried to find me. They looked and looked, until one night while looking for me, they got hit by a food truck.

I saw this on the big screen of a building. That night, I cried and cried. Somehow, there was an old man that died in a house and they were bidding on it. I bought it, and lived in it. They let me keep the furniture, and it was still quite nice.

While walking to a grocery store, I saw a little girl lying down on the side walk crying. I wanted to help her, so I took her into my house.

Sadly, she wasn't the only one abandoned. She and seven others were. I found them one by one.

By the time I turned 14, I got a letter from Ouran. They gave me a choice to earn money, so I did. And that's how I met you lovely bunch." I said squeezing Tamaki's cheek earning an 'ow'

"Now, I'm happy where I am in life and hope that my life here will never end." I said, giving them a goofy grin.

"I love you guys so much." I said pulling them all into a hug.

"That's so..." "emotional." Said the twins.

"Its not that emotional. Its just a story about a brat that messed up once in life. I'm happy now." I said laughing, squeezing them tighter.

"How about we go back to Akira's Mother's house and tell her we'll be going back?" I said smiling.

"Yeah! Usa-Chan and I have been craving some cake!" Said Honey.

"Ok! Let's go! Whoever's last is a rotten egg!" I said laughing. We all started running, and surprisingly, Haruhi was first. I came in second, and it went on until the twins came in last.

"Haha! You're a rotten egg!" Said Tamaki boasting. The twins shrugged it off. "Hey wanna sit with us in the limo when we leave?" Asked the twins.

I couldn't reject that! "Sure, It would be awesome!" I said smiling.

"Hey! No fair! I wanna sit with Ren!" Said Tamaki. "Me too!" Said Honey.

"Then, I guess we'll all have to fit in?" I said questioning. The four of them nodded, and Mori just hummed.

"If Mitsukuni is going, I'm going." Said Mori. It was the first time I heard him talk.

"Wow! Mori-senpai talks!" I said idiotically. I saw him blush at the word 'senpai' for some reason. Hahaha he looked so cute.

I told Akira's mother that we are leaving and she gave us her consent.

"Have a safe trip!" Said the lady.

"I sure will! Stay healthy!" I said getting in the limo.

There was only four seats in the limo so Honey sat on Mori's lap while for some reason I had to take turns sitting on the other three's lap.

"My turn! My turn!" Said Tamaki childishly.

"No! It's my turn!" Said Hikaru. They kept on arguing.

"I'll just like this." I said. I stood up and on the floor. There was plenty of space, so why not?

Tamaki sulked while Hikaru and Kaoru snickered.

"We're here!" Said the twins.

"Wait, this is a mansion!" I breathed.

"This is the Hitachiin mansion, full of wonders..." The twins said mysteriously. They just waved it off saying that they just wanted to play video games with us.

"Come on in!" They said opening up the doors.

We walked in, and there was a line of maids and butlers waiting for us.

"Welcome home, master Hikaru, master Kaoru." They chorused. There was a red carpet going up the stairs.

"Can you guys make us some snacks and bring them up to our room?" Asked the twins.

Two of the maids nodded.

"And could you two bring some drinks?" Asked the twins again.

The two butlers nodded, going into a different hallway.

We proceeded up the stairs and made it to a room. It had two enormous beds on each corner and in the middle a gaming area with all you could think of gaming.

That night, I got crushed by losing 18-6.

"Phew, that was fun!" Said Honey.

"You guys should stay over for the night." Said the twins.

"That sounds like an excellent idea!" Said Tamaki.


"How about a game of..."

"TRUTH OR DARE?!?!" Screamed the twins. We all agreed, not knowing that a game of truth or dare may be the end of my ego.


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