Chapter 16- The Twin's Ending

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*Ren's POV*

It was my long time crush, or should I say crushes...? Whatever, it was Hikaru and Kaoru.

I don't know what it was about them, but it just clicked with me. I guess their playful spirit matched up with mine.

I ran over to them, and they dragged me somewhere. They finally stopped dragging me, and I looked at where I was. It was the rooftop.

"We wanted to ask you an important question." They said together.

They continued on.

"Will you..."
"Go out with us?" They said simply.

I looked at them both. A dark tint of pink was dusted on their faces.
"Of course I will." I said hugging them both. We looked at each other for a while, until they both kissed either of my cheeks.

"Come on, let's ditch this lame party and make our own." Said the twins grinning. "Hikaru, could you send the other members a message saying that we'll be gone?" I asked the twin to my right.

"I'm not Hikaru!" Said Hikaru.

"Baka, I can tell you two apart easily ok? I'm not stupid." I said smiling.

"So you can tell us apart huh? That's another plus for us to love you." Said Kaoru. Geez, these guys are just so lovable. Soon, a limo came to pick us up.

A few hours of gaming later, we were all cuddling, laying on their bed.
"I'm so jealous of you two... You guys get to sleep in the same bed, every night." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah? You could do that too you know." Said Hikaru. After realizing what he said, he blushed.

"Aww, is my brother embarrassed?" Said Kaoru. We all laughed, and I never want this to end.

*5 Years Later...*

"Hikaru! Kaoru! Catch up with me!" I said running. Behind us was a crowd of Fangirls chasing me. We turned on a corner and lost them.

"Geez, having an idol as your boyfriend sure can be hard." They both said laughing.

"Eye spy an arcade." I said, pointing towards one. "How about we go in. I'll teach you who's boss." Said Kaoru.

"Sure, but my gaming skills have improved over the years." I said cracking my fingers.

"Yeah, but nobody will beat the king." Said Hikaru. We all went in, and somehow got a tie. That night we went back to our mansion and got in bed with them.

"You know what?" I said to the twins.

"What?" They said in unison. They were on either sides of me. "I want to make a bet." I said smiling. They both looked at me.

"Ok, what's the bet?" Said Hikaru. I looked at both of them, then looked up at the big ceiling.

"I bet you that I'll be with you guys for the rest of my life." I said.

"Well, that's hardly a bet..."
"When it's the truth." Said the twins. After talking some more, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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