Lost. part one

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The trail seemed to go on forever. My camping bag was huge. For being a man I pack like a woman. My friends made constant jokes. I guess that's what happens when youre a trans man. My name is Joel. I'm a short high pitched cutie. Or so. That's what my friends say. Justin, emma, and dani. Justin was the oldest and the bravest. Emma was the youngest and the most shy. Dani was the same age as me and she was the cutest and most out going. Me. I'm a mixture of all. I'm kinda brave. Kinda shy. Kinda cute. And kinda out going. These three people are the most important people to me. And I'll be damned if anything happened to them.
After what seemed liked hours we finally found a good place to camp. We were by a very nice Creek. It was deep and didn't flow very fast so it was safe for swimming. Lucky me I packed for that. Justin and I being the only men there set up the tent as the girls built a fire. Once finished with that we tied a rope from tree to tree so we could hang out cloths. I unpacked as well as everyone else. We were going to be here for a while. So we got comfy. I changed into some swimming clothes and walked on a log that went over the creek. It was a bit north of the camp area but dani went with me. We both sat on the log and talked. I looked into the water and sat in silence. My reflection stared back. Short brown hair. Almost black eyes. Freckles. And my favorite feature, my glasses. They were very old glasses. Not like your normal hipster glasses. But something your grandfather would wear. They looked really nice on me and really framed my face. "Joel. Are you okay. Youre spacing out again". I snapped back to reality "sorry. I was admiring the water" she chuckled a bit. "am I not good enough to admire" I blushed feeling slightly ashamed of myself "er. No. I. You see." She laughed a little harder "I'm just messing with you" I smiled at her words. She stood up "alright let's go back. I'm sure dinner is almost done" I tried to get up myself but my foot slipped and I fell onto the water. It was a lot deeper up here than it was by the camp and I couldn't find the bottom. Not only that but the water was pulling me into a very rocky area. It soon became very violent as the water whipped me through the Rocks. I ended up hitting my head and blacking out. Images ran through my head. A bloody creek line. Claw marks on trees covered in blood. A hole in the ground. A room with chains and hand shackles. Then a destroyed camp area. I was then walking in the forest. It was dark out. Something was following me. I could hear the leaves cracking behind me. Along with the strangest sound. It was like raspy forced breathing. I turned around. It was to dark to see anything. Panicking i run. I run as fast as I could. I hear a gunshot. I run so fast I stumbled over my legs. Then hands grabbed my arms. I tried so hard to get the thing off. It then whispered in my ear "three" a large gasp and then "Joel" several times over and over again.
The voice then fades into Justins. I open my eyes and everyone is surrounding me. Justin then says "give him some room." I cough up a bit more water. I go to touch the stinging feeling on my head but justin stops me "don't touch it!" He says a bit stern.

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