Chapter 4: Pray

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I sit for a moment trying to calm myself down, my head is spinning from pain and the inability to completely understand what happened.

My shoulder and wrists still ach. I crawl over to Philippe who still lies unmoving. My chains clink together, reminding me constantly that I am stuck here.

I look over him, he is breathing. I want nothing more than to talk to him but I fear someone is outside our cell listing to make sure I don't speak.

My hand trails down his arm, he catches my hand in his and grips it tightly.

"This is not your fault." He says, his voice sounding odd because of the iron. "There must be a reason why they put me in this mask. Can you help me up, my dear?"

I nod, slipping my hands behind his back, helping him push himself upright.

He glances around, trying to get used to the new sensation of the mask.

"There are holes for the eyes, and mouth. I can see and eat at the very least." Philippe says. "Now let me have a look at those burns Lavena."

I turn so he can look at the brand on my back. I wince as he lightly traces his fingers around it.

"Does it hurt badly?" He asks.

I nod.

"I'm sorry," He breathes and presses a kiss to the tip of my shoulder.

We sit in silence for a moment. Suddenly a draft of cold air sweeps through the room, a shiver makes its way down my bare spine.

"You need new clothes, you will freeze to death in that shredded dress," Philippe says.

He stands and awkwardly walks over to the door. He pounds, shakes and rattles a door until he annoys a guard enough to walk over and tell him to stop.

"What do you want?" The guard grumbles.

"Lavena will need something else to wear. Her dress is shredded and this cell isn't exactly warm. You obviously want to keep us alive and she will freeze to death in here if nothing warmer is not provided to her." Philippe states.

The guard sighs, "I guess I can find something."

Philippe turns back to me and leans against the door, waiting for the guard to reappear. Moments later the door opens and the guard hands him a dirty white gown.

"This is all I could find. I guess some whore left it here," he says.

Philippe hands it to me then turns away so I can change. I rip my tattered dress the rest of the way off. Then I take a look at the one just given to me. Luckily, the sleeves tie at the shoulders so I should have no problem with the chains. The dress is a bit too small for me, but I guess it will have to work for now.

I walk over to Philippe and tap his shoulder, letting him know that he can turn back around now. He turns and looks at me up and down.

"It will have to work, I guess," he sighs.

I nod, it's not exactly what I had been hoping for but it will have to do.

For the first time I take a good look around the cell, there is a small window but it's to far up for me or for Philippe to get to. The ground is covered in straw, like a stable. This is terrible.

I look at Philippe pleadingly, we have to find a way to get out of here.

He seems to understand my expression, "We will find a way, or God will set us free. We just have to pray."

I let out a long breath and kneel down, Philippe does the same directly in front of me. We interlock our finger, my chains jingling, bow our heads, and pray to God that we get out of here.

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