Fred Weasley- Little mouse

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Your POV
I'm a Hufflepuff and I have been known as a little mouse. I don't speak since I usually have my head in a book reading a fantasy story. I don't have a problem with reading or being quite it means I don't get into trouble.
I was walking to the library to study, people say I should be a Ravenclaw but I disagree.
I walked to the bookshelfs and got my books. I wasn't looking where I was Going so banged into someone.
" I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going..." The person said.
I looked up to see Fred Weasley the one who causes trouble with his brother.
" Are you okay?" He asked picking up my books.
" yeah I'm fine" I said in a whisper.
He handed your books. I quickly went away before I embarrass myself.
The next day
" Alright class we are going to work in pairs to do an assignment by the end of the week" Snape said.
" The following pairs are Johnston and Weasley..."
" which one?" You heard them  shouted out.
" George Weasley"
He continued to list until he said
" Y/L/N and Weasley".
He walked up and sat beside you and smirked.
" I guess you are the girl I bumped into yesterday, you were very quite"
You smiled but continued your work anyway.
After class you scurried off but heard footsteps behind you.
" Hey Y/N, you want to go to the library to work on the assignment?"
You nodded following him to the library.
-in the library-
Your were doing your work until you felt your book get pulled away from you.
" Hey!" I said louder than usual
You saw Fred standing above you with your book in his hands.
" give it back" I said whispering
He  smirked and looked at you
" only if you go to to Hogsmeade with me"
I nodded wanting your book back. He gave it back and we both sat down.
He looked at me and kissed my cheek and whispered
" You are going to become to my Little Mouse and I will become your trouble".
Hope you like it!
-Sophie2952 xx

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