Tom Riddle- My only fear

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My fear... is falling in love with you.
I've always had a fear....
I might a cold-hearted and feared person but she gives me a feeling I've never felt before.
She has h/l  h/c which suits her perfectly. Her e/c shines brightly when she smiles. What is this feeling?
My heart starting skipping beats as she walked through the door.
I should be concentrating on my grand plan, I can't be with her.
I walked out the library holding my book tightly and briskly walking  to the Slytherin common room.
I need to open the chamber without her getting hurt. She is a mud-blood but I can't help these feelings.
I walked up to my dorm and locked it to get started with the plan.
No one can know.
Months have flown by and I  have finally created a master plan to open to Salazar's Chamber.
Tonight is the night the beast will released.
The feast in Great Hall has begun, the food appeared on the tables and conversations filled with laughter and joy surrounded me. I started to feel quesy since I had only had thought on my mind. Her. I looked up from the Slytherin house table to the (whatever house you are in, sorry if you are slytherin. If you are in Slytherin then he would be looking down the table from where he is sat) house table. I stared at the girl from y/h , I couldn't avert my gaze, she is beautiful, her head fell back laughing at something her friend said, her eyes were gleaming with joy. She suddenly looked in my direction, curiosity filled her eyes. I looked down immediately at my food, my face was heating up. What is this feeling?
I want to stop thinking about her, stop looking at her but I can't get her off my mind. I hate this feeling it is  frustrating and annoying but I need to let her go to concentrate on my plan.
The Feast had finally finished and I  my plan can finally go into action. As everyone else was making their way to bed I sneaked away from the large crowd and make my way towards to entrance to Salazar's chamber which is in the girls bathroom hidden from the idiotic professors and pupils who don't know what's in the depth of this so-called school.
I made it to girls bathroom unseen. I knew what I had to do. I spoke parsel- tongue. The words slid off my tongue naturally. I stood in front of the sink which had a snake engraved on the tap. I watched as the sink disappeared into the ground and the entrance started to reveal itself.
Suddenly I heard footsteps behind of me. I made a sharp turn and looked behind me to see if I could see anyone watching. No one was there.
I looked back at the opening of the chamber to see the Basilisk emerge out if the depths of the Chamber. The Basilisk is glorious. I can now complete Salazar's wishes but I dont want y/n to get hurt.
Suddenly I heard the tapping of feet making their way towards the entrance of the toilets where the Basilisk and I were hidden.
No one can know that I am here.
I turned to the Basilisk and commanded it to kill the person who would try and walk through those doors.
I heard a light sounds of heels grow louder towards the entrance of the of the toilets.
I turned my head sharply when I heard a soft sweet voice.
It was was her voice. My precious y/n's voice. I wanted to speak but it was too late. She looked at the Basilisk straight in the eyes and tumbled to the floor frozen.
I stood there shocked. What have I done?
I demanded the Basilisk to go back to the Chamber while I sort out the girl.
The Basilisk slithered down back to the depths of the Chamber and the entrance closed shut, hiding the secrets within.
I ran over to y/n placing her head on my lap while moving her h/c hair out of her face. I stared down at her. Her once bright  eyes were glazed over staring blankly at me. She can't be gone. I promised myself not to hurt her...
"y/n?" I whimpered hoping for a reply and hoping this was all a nightmare.
It wasn't a nightmare.
She was dead.
I stared at the girl, stroking her pale cheeks letting the tears fall from my eyes.
I kissed her forehead lightly, putting my hands over her eyes so they would close.
" I am so sorry y/n" I whispered while  placing her head on the cold bathroom floor.
I walked out of the girls toilets not looking back at the murder I caused. I made my way to the dungeons and collapsed at a wall by the common room letting my tears roll freely. How could I do this?
I realised that my fear wasn't falling in love with her. My fear was losing her...

Hello everyone!

I know I haven't posted anything for about 2 years. I am a terrible person!😭. I got writers block while writing this imagine and completely lost my ability to write all together.
I started losing confidence in my writing because I thought I was not good enough.. I eventually gave up and began only reading stories on Wattpad.
I am so sorry if you have  enjoyed my writing and if you were sad that I have not updated!! I am incredibly thankful for all the views on my book I am currently working on other imagines at the moment and will try and update a lot this month. 💕😩🙏🏻
I sadly won't be able to update a lot next month due to having my Higher exams but I will try my best!!! 💕❤️👍🏻

Sophie295 xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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