Chapter 6

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Theodore III

"I think Grandma's gonna be so excited to see us," Princess rambled as the elevator doors to Mama's apartment closed in front of us. "I'm excited to see her because I haven't seen her in so long. Oh! I hope she has cookies over here that we can share like back at home. Are you excited too?"

I smirked. "Mhmm."

I was a little excited to see Mama since I haven't seen her in a few months. The two of us don't see each other that much but we try to talk as often as possible, for Princess' sake. Our relationship isn't horrible but it isn't the best either. Since that day when I was in high school and she invited Princess and I over to stay the night, we've been working on our relationship. Mama really stepped up and got involved in my life, even though she didn't really agree with my career choices. She helped me prepare for graduation and she helped me get ready for Prom. If it weren't for her finding me a tailor, I wouldn't have gone to Prom. Mama came through Prom day and even on graduation. I was surprised to see her actually. She was the first of my family to meet me once the ceremony was over.

It's been five long years of mending our relationship but I think we're on the right track. We've gotten a lot better since the last time we were in a rough spot and I think it's because of the distance between us. Me and Mama's personalities clash and I think that's a major reason as to why we don't get along. We're too much alike and can only take each other in small dosages. Like now, for example. I'll stay over for a couple of hours but then I'll leave and won't talk to her for a couple of days. The two of us just need our space, and when we get that, our relationship will be good.

Mama pulled the door of her apartment open with the biggest smile on her face. "Princess! I thought I heard your voice in the hallway," she said, taking Princess out of my arms.

That's one thing about Mama that I admired. Even though she's been against me getting Nicole pregnant since she found out, she has stepped up and been apart of Princess' life. She doesn't talk to Nicole and doesn't even talk about her anymore, she just focuses on Princess since she  said her grandchildren are her priority. 

Princess wrapped her arms around Mama. "I missed you so much Grandma. Did you miss me too?"

"Of course I missed my favorite granddaughter," Mama smiled as if she had more grandchildren other than Princess and Daniel. "I was actually thinking about you today since I got you a little gift."

Princess smiled. "What is it?"

Mama put Princess on the ground. "It's in the living room, go get it."

Princess immediately ran off to the living room and grabbed the large gift bag that was sitting on the coffee table while I turned my attention to Mama. She still kept that same smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I haven't heard from you in awhile T3. Is the business keeping you busy?"

I took a deep breath, relaxing against Mama's warm embrace. It's been a long time since I've felt comfortable enough around her to let my guard down. So I wrapped my arms around Mama too. "Hey Mama. Business is busy as usual but I've been dealing with a lot of other stuff."

Mama pulled away from me but kept her hands on top of my arms, looking up at me since I was a lot taller than her. "Stuff like what? I hope you're finding yourself a respectable young lady since you still haven't let me meet this girlfriend you supposedly have."

I sighed. I hated having to lie to Mama about the girlfriend I don't have but she wants me to be happy. She's always bringing up how she doesn't want the business clouding my life so much that when I look back on my life, all I did was make money and Princess. She said she wants me to have more children so Princess can have siblings and to be married to a woman that holds me down so much that she'd want me out of the game. She's always talking to Lindsey and I about settling down, especially Lindsey since she's getting old.

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