just got to tell him

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every morning so far for 2 weeks you've felt like crap. last week you talked to chopper and he asked if you wanted a pregnancy test. seeing as you and zoro got along so well a little more then usual lately ;). you said 'why the hell not' and turned out you were in fact pregnant. you were about 6 weeks in now and you were really excited about it. only you hadn't gotten around to telling the future daddy of the baby.

you woke up to yet another upset tummy. you rolled over into zoros arms behind you grumbling a little. "tummy hurt again." he asked opening his only good eyes while hugging you closer. "yeah." you mumbled. "you talked to chopper right." he asked. "yeah, it's only mornings so it's not a big deal." you tried this excuse yesterday too, no dice. "even if it is just mornings i don't want you sick like this all the time can you go see him again today please." he asked. "yeah ok" you agreed. "i'm getting up to have breakfast and to train a little, you want anything." he asked sweetly. "no i'm ok i'll be up soon." you told him letting him go get dressed then upstairs.

laying in bed for a while longer you got up and dressed you headed for choppers office. "morning (y/n)" he said and you flopped onto the bed in his office. "how long is this shit gunna last." you asked face first into the pillow. "well usually until week 14 and your on week 6 now, so about 8 more weeks" he said. "no way~" you whined. "have you told zoro yet." chopper asked. "no, i was worried what he would say about it, but i have to tell him today." you said sitting up.

it was noon and you had another brunch with the rest of the crew. "with morning stomach aches like (y/n) has been having it's better for her to eat a little later but still get enough to eat." chopper noted to you and the rest of the people sitting at the table. after the rest was out and about you and zoro were out in the crows nest.

"did you see chopper this morning." he asked not to nag but he was genuinely concern for you. "yeah thats what i wanted to actually talk to you about." you said you had been laying on his lap so you sat up and faced him tucking your one leg under the other.  "what is it." he asked you looked scared and concerned and all sorts of confused. "i'm not sick." you told him. "then why are you getting sick in the mornings." he asked confused. zoro was always gentle with you never had he been to rough.

you didn't know or care anymore about his reaction. you just had to tell him now. "i'm actually pregnant, i would have told you sooner but, i was scared to tell you i didn't know how you would react." you said looking to your lap and anywhere but in zoros eyes. "i see" he said you got a glance up at him and he was smiling with his head tilted back. "your not mad are you." you asked quietly. "why would i be mad this is amazing, i'm going to be a dad." he smiled at you. "i'm, i mean i can't even put it to words, wow, i'm so happy your not sick and i'm elated that your pregnant and i'm going to be a father," he smiled and he sat forward and hugged you.

a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. you smiled, you sighed and hugged a little tighter. "i'm glad your happy." you said to him he let you go and smiled at you. "how long have you known." he asked. "only two weeks, i'm 6 weeks now, i would have told you sooner but i was scared of how you would react," you told him again. "you don't have to be scared of me, i love you no matter what happens." he smiled at you. after that the two of you relaxed and talked about baby stuff like names and genders and sorts of cute stuff like that.

the end

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