before the seperation.

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It was hectic everyone was running away and trying to get away from the admiral and kuma. You Zoro brook usopp were running one direction and everyone else a different. You and Zoro had gotten married a few weeks after he proposed to you. It was nothing special but the night after was. ;). That was maybe a week ago. You felt sick a few mornings in a row and it was gone around 10 in the morning. But Zoro wasn't aware of this fact. You hadn't told him the news yet but luffy and chopper knew about it luffy was the first to figure it out and ask you privately. Chopper only knew because he had to help with the test.

When he cut your group off you were first ahead of the rest. You froze in fear of what he would do. "(Y/n) get away from him run away" Zoro yelled at you but in a matter of seconds kuma was in your ear and before he sent you flying he whispered to you "you and the baby are safe I promise" he whispered your eyes shot open and he sent you away. "NO" Zoro yelled as you vanished. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" he yelled again hardly able to stand he was sent away next. And with that the rest of the crew disappeared.

3 days and nights later you landed in water quickly popping out of the water and to the side you were surprised you hadn't gotten hurt. A woman came out of nowhere and looked at you. She had a little girl with her. "Hello" she said light smiling at you. "Uh hello can you tell me where I am" you asked nicely trying to stand up, the lady seen you having slight trouble and helped you stand. "Your on an island in the west blue called 'western gales'" the lady told you, my name is kelly nice to meet you" she smiled at you. "(Y/n)" you replied. Lightly smiling back at her by your side. "Momma she's got a baby in her tummy" the little girl said. Shocked "how did you know that" you asked her,

Your holding your tummy where all the other Mommys do, and you look like a mommy to me" she stated smiling at you. "This is Emily she's a know it all sometimes, however either way if you are pregnant we have to get you some dry clothes don't need you getting sick what your this early in" she said. "Yes thank you" you said and she took you there.

About 1 year later

training had begun about 2,1/2 months ago, Noah being 3 months old about now you had to take care of him for 1/2 a month before the lady's would let you train with them. You still have to take care of Noah so he came with you and watched you and laughed and smiled at you making you happy while you trained. You knew that now you had Noah you had to be stronger to keep him safe but at the same time the others may not let you fight so that you could stay with Noah when ever something happens.

Noah was a fast sleeper like his dad and he had green hair and looked just like Zoro. You missed the moss daddy but he was off training too. You felt kinda bad you hadn't told Zoro before the separation but it was only a few days and you didn't know that would happen. How you wished they were there everyone actually you missed them a lot. Noah was getting bigger and stronger as the time went by holding up his own head smiling at you making silly noises. Still a rock hard sleeper.

When the two years finally went by it was time to head out. Emily who was 3 before is now 5 and loved helping with Noah. Kelly is happy you have a healthy baby boy and lots more. When you got off the ship on the sabaody archipelago you looked around and slightly shuddered at the thought of 2 years ago but you were stronger now so it did t bother you that much. You held Noah now 1 year and 3 months old on your hip and a little bag for his clothing on the other side. (Seeing as the ship didn't have baby clothing before)

You walked around for a little while as Noah pointed at things and smiled. Then you noticed a not so little reindeer. His hat gave him away to you and the fact that he was dressed and his blue nose. "Chopper, is that you" you asked and he turned to look at you so excited he had little tears in his happy little eyes. "(y/n) you look great I missed you so much, and this must be the baby, he's so cute he looks a lot like Zoro," chopper smiled and complemented. Then he went on to make sure you had a safe and healthy pregnancy in his absence. "Yes yes chopper I'm sure" you laughed a little making Noah laugh. "So did you ever get around to telling Zoro about your pregnancy" chopper asked. "We got separated before I could" you lost your smile for a minute but Noah made you smile again. "(Y/n), chopper there you two are," namis voice called behind you, while chopper and usopp talked about their manly new figures like girls you introduced nami to Noah.

"Oh I knew already" she said holding Noah. you were completely shocked that she knew. "How could you tell I was only 3 days when we left here." You asked. "The way your mommy was holding her tummy all day that day" nami said to Noah in her arms. noah pointed to you when she said mommy. "yeah thats your mommy." she said to him. "how many words can he say." she asked. "he can say yes no mommy and daddy." you told her. "you miss him don't you." she asked agian. "well yeah, you have a kid with the man you love, you'd miss him after an hour trust me." you said. "mommy" noah said and he grabbed for you. "come here baby." you said taking him back from nami.

"anyways, (y/n), when did you get pregnant in the first place." usopp asked. "well it was a few days before we got separated." you explained. "and the landing didn't hurt the little guy at all." he asked seriously in disbelief. "i landed in water, i got out and someone found me and took me to get clean clothes." you told him. he nodded and you all went to do some much needed shopping before going to the meeting place.

when you got there it looked about the same to you. reyligh was outside the door. "hey you all are a little late zoros already here." he said. your heart went light. "nami can you hold him out here for a minute." you asked she nodded she knew it would be weird to go in with a kid out of nowhere. you took a deep breath and walked in leaving the others outside the door.

a smile spread across your face when he grabbed you and hugged you tight. "i missed you." he whispered to you. "i missed you too." you whispered back he pulled you into a warm and soft kiss. when he let you go you got a look at his face after two years. "what happened to your eye," you asked. "long story." he chuckled. "speaking of long stories, i wanna introduce you to someone very special." you said. and opened the door and took noah from nami again and went back inside.

"this is noah, before we got separated i was pregnant, he's your son." you said worried what he would say or do. "i'm a dad." he asked in disbelief. "yeah," you smiled a little. zoro walked over very quietly witch scared you a little. he put his arms around you and hugged you again smiling almost as bright as luffy. "i couldn't begin to express how happy i am right now." he said hugging you. "noah, you remember i told you you would meet daddy." you asked him he nodded sweetly to you. "this is daddy." you smiled to him. "daddy." he said and zoro hugged tighter. "come on hold your son, your gunna squish us." you teased zoro.

he let you breath and took noah in his arms. "he's beautiful, he's got your kind soul i can tell." he said smiling back to you. "thats your nice way of saying he looks a lot like you." you teased him kissing his check. after that you got all caught up with zoro and told him almost everything about noah and it was amazing to be a family again.

lets say luffy loved him too he was so cute.

the end.

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