Game Night Gone Great!!!!!!

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Crew game night luffy wanted to play all sorts of games but when it came to this game everyone was cracking up it was your turn and you couldn't hear a single thing. Earlier nami explained how you two found cannon headphones last time the crew had to escape a navi base. Basically you could stand next to a cannon and not hear anything.

Anywho, sitting there completely deaf you watched everyone giggling as sanji picked p the next card and was whispering so you 'really' couldn't hear. he turned around and started to talk and your first reaction made everyone laugh. "WHAT" you shouted and everyone laughed. You didn't need to hear to know that everyones mouths went open and they jostled their shouldered indicating laughter. Sanji collected himself and tried again just the first word. "Navi." You guessed and he nodded. He held up a peace sign so you figured it was the second word. "Band." You guessed shaking his head he tried again. "Can" you corrected and he nodded. The third word gave away the sentence. "navi can suck it." You shouted and everyone laughed as you got the sentence right and took off the headphones and the laughter filled your ears again.

You gave zoro a smile as he laughed at the game. "My turn i have one for zoro and luffy." You said and the boys sat where you had just been in two chairs next to each-other. You smiled and turned to everyone else. "Well first things first, i'm pregnant" you said and everyone cheered. "But they don't know that" you told them and they giggled. "Nice idea, we'll have to blind fold luffy while you do zoro, luffy can kinda read lips" chopper said. "Good to know." You said asking sanji for his tie. After blindfolding luffy you got zoros attention.

The following is what zoro is guessing vs what your saying so y: is you and z: is zoro

y: "You are."

Z: "yard"

Y: you shook your head "you"

Z: "you"

Y: "are"

Z: "you, i'm not reapeating that." he said as if you said something dirty.

Y: "are" you tired again

Z: "art"

Y: "are"

Z: "you are," he asked.

Y: you nodded and continued. "going to be"

Z: "going to bed." he asked confused and everyone giggled behind you.

Y: "be" you repeated

Z: "you are going to be."

Y: "a mom" you said and the confused look he gave made you smile.

Z: "a bomb." he said.

Y: "a mom."

Z: "your going to be a mom" he asked confused. until he said it again to himself and his face turned from confusion to excitement.

"your gunna be a mom, does that mean." he smiled and you nodded as his eyes filled up and everyone awwed as he got up and hugged you tight. "altight luffys turn, zoro you wanna tell him he's gunna be an uncle." you asked and he nodded as he collected himself. the minute you took the blindfold off he started guessing. "hey luffy." zoro waved and instantly got his attention. "your gunna be an uncle." zoro said and luffy smiled and shouted. "i'm gunna be an orical." he said and he sounded so confident everyone laughed. "and uncle." zoro repeated. "ankle" luffy said. "was mine this hard, an uncle." zoro asked then said to luffy. "i'm gunna be an uncle." luffy said and the same process of realization first confused then really happy. "IM GUNNA BE AN UNCLE" luffy cheered tossing the headphones off and to the table jumping up and hugging you and zoro. "This is gunna be awesome." Luffy cheered and everyone joined in you and zoro smiling ear to ear as he kissed your cheek.

The end. (Hope you enjoyed sorry i've disappeared i've been adult-ing and it sucks.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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