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Okay guys. Or readers. My name is Erin. I'm 20 and I have over 30 separate tattoos. My pictures above this. I come from a small city in Washington. My family is super religious and kicked me out of my house. I'm a waitress and I have a small loft apartment. I'm currently single but things can change. Honestly, I have zero friends. Except for the ones at work. I usually stay at home.

Right now I'm currently at my job waiting on people who need to be a bit nicer. It pays my bills to work here and it's quite fun sometimes. I get to see a lot if different people.

Like yesterday I saw a lady. She was dressed up. She had a suit on. She could be a Hillary Clinton look a like. She didn't really like my tattoos but fuck her. I give zero shits about what she thinks. I do my job and my tattoos have nothing to do with my performance. Anyway I'm off topic.

Oh wait. Someone new just walked in. Let me get them seated.

"Hello welcome to Ollie's Diner. Take a seat wherever you want. I'll be with you in a moment." I tell the large party if people. It's mainly all boys. There is probably two girls out of like 6 boys. I'd say they're around my age. One is kinda short and he has brunette hair, another has glasses and dark brown hair, one is ginger, the other who is sitting across from him has brunette hair and is kinda balding, then there is this one. He has dark brown hair and lots of tattoos. His eyes are a dark hazel and his smile is piercing with joy. His style tells me he's alternative. My kinda man. Alas! I can't flirt with the customers. Oh well.

I walk over to the table. "Okay what would you guys like to drink?" I ask them. The one with the glasses speaks up.

"I'll have a water." He says. The short one then tells me his.

"I'll take a...uh..... Pepsi." He says not making eye contact.

"Um I'll have sweet tea." The ginger says.

"Mountain Dew please." The other spits out.

"Um I'll have a water." The girl with dark brown hair and blonde tips says.

"I'll also have a water." The other girl says.

"I'll take...... Root Beer." The cute one says.

"I'll be right back with those." I tell them as I go to the kitchen to retrieve their drinks. I fill the cups up and place them on the tray one by one. I pick the tray up and go back to the table. I give them each their drink and ask if they're ready to order. They agree and tell me their orders. I place the orders and I sit in the kitchen with my co worker Seth. He's in his late 20's and he married. His father owns the diner and Seth is the head chef.

I watch as Seth cooks the food. I should probably head back out and see if they need anything.

As I approach the booth I hear them muttering about there job. "Do you guys need anything?" I ask the 8 of them.

"Some shots." The cute one says. I chuckle. The rest say they need nothing and I go back to sitting. This is my life. Sitting in a kitchen waiting to serve others. All because I got these tattoos. My first tattoo was my dream catcher. Then after that I kept getting more and more. I still want more. Tattoos for me are a way I can express myself.

I hear the ding if the bell. That means their order is done. I place the food on my tray and take them their food. "I like your tattoos." The girl with blonde tips says to me. As I hand her food to her.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"My name is Shelby and I'm super awkward." She says laughing. She has quite I high pitched voice.

"Sorry about her." The one with glasses says. "I'm Adam." He says. "This is Tim." He points next to him. "Red and Barney." He points the ginger and the one across from him. "Jordan." The cute one. "And Emily." He points to the other girl.

"Well hello." I say to all if them. "As you know my name is Erin." I say pointing to the name badge on my shirt. "I gotta go back to working now and by working I mean socializing with my co worker in the kitchen."I tell them. "If you need anything call for me."

I walk back into the kitchen and Seth is looking at me. Smiling. "What?" I ask.

"You like that one." He says.


"You like the one with the tattoos." He says. I blush. "I knew it."

"I don't like him. I just think he's cute." I tell him. "I don't even know him." I say rolling my eyes.

"Whatever loser." He says. "Go give them their tickets and go home."

I walk to their table and hand them each a ticket. I walk over to the register and they all come over and pay. Well that is the last time I'm going to be seeing the cute one named Jordan. "Have a nice night you guys." I tell them. They walk out and then I get my things and tell Seth night. I walk to my car and I go home.

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