Phoenix Drop High Chapter 4 Pt 4

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Castle in the sky- Nightcore
Recommended by: Snowy1031

Reader's pov
I push away my homework and look at my empty desk. So boring.. I wonder if Katelyn will let me go to the park for awhile.. I get up from my desk and walk out of the room. "Katelyn~" I hear a thud and she yells "What y/n!" I snicker. "I'm going to the park. Just so you know. Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you... Your boyfriend called and is going to the park.. I answered the phone and told him you're busy." Katelyn throws a fork at my head and it misses me and gets stuck in the wall. "YOU DID WHAT." I laugh and take my art bag and run out the door all the way to the park. I go in and sit next to the water leaning against a tree. I put my headphones on and listen to my favorite song. I hum it and start to close my eyes. I feel a tap on my shoulder and Robin is next to me. I take off my headphones. "Hey Robin." He sits all the way down. "Hey." I pause the song and he looks at my headphones. "Fairy tail headphones? Nice." I look at him. "You watch Anime?" He shakes his head. "No my sister watches it a lot." I nod. "Makes sense. I watch a bunch of anime.. Like Fairy Tail, Freezing, and Gunslinger Girl. Gunslinger girl isn't my favorite.. I just watch it to learn how to fight. I gotta learn how to protect myself somehow." He nods. "Nice, so what are you doing here..?" I look at the stream. "Just wanted to get away for awhile and relax." He starts to look worried and I look at him and snicker. "Don't worry you didn't disturb me." He nods. "Good." I put my head back on the tree and look at the leaves above me. "Hey, you wanna go take a walk?" I sit up and look at him. "Sure." He stands up and helps me up. "Thanks." He holds his hand out and I look at it then him. "Don't get the wrong idea." I take his hand. "Not thinking that way." He pulls me away and we walk together for awhile. I notice him glance behind us and he turns back around smirking. I roll my eyes probably not anything I should get involved with I stop for a second on a 2nd bridge and look at the water. He stops and turns to me. "Something wrong?" I shake my head. "No, everything's fine I just wanted to look at the water." I turn and run to the side of the water and put my hand in. I grab a small turtle and pull it out carefully. He comes over and looks at it. "How'd you know it was in there..?" I put it back in the water and she swims down deeper. "That was a 'she' not an 'it', also I saw there were a bunch of bubbles over here more then there should have been if a plant was settling at the ground or something. So I guessed it was either some type of reptile or turtle, I was hoping it was a salamander to be honest but turtles are pretty cool." He nods. "Oh, cool." I get up. "Sorry I like nature type of things." He laughs. "No problem I technically half wolf so it doesn't affect me whatsoever." I smile. "True.. Anyways you wanna continue our walk I gotta leave here soon." He starts walking. "Coming slow poke?" I snicker. "Says the one who finished his mile in 10 minutes, while I finished in 3 minutes." I look at him. "Half wolf my butt." He wags his tail. "Just because you have ears and a tail doesn't mean anything." I run up to him and look at his tail. "What's it like having a tail and ears, if you don't mind me asking.." He shrugs. "I rarely feel a difference, the only time I feel it is when my leg hits it. Then I definitely feel it." I look at the time on my phone. "Oh no, gotta go Katelyn said dad's home. I'll see you tomorrow." I take off running holding onto my art bag. I get to my house and go in through the back door. I go to take off running up the stairs and dad comes out of nowhere and blocks me. "Where have you been I've been worried sick!" I smile and do my little cute face. "Dad I was only at the park! I was drawing the scenery for my art class extra credit." That's not really a lie.. I did get extra credit in art to draw something somewhere that makes you feel happy He looks at me. "Alright Honey lumps just don't go and get tangled up with them boys, you hear?" I nod. "Alright dad." He moves out of the way and I run in my room, drop my bag, and I sit on my bed. Got away with it again.. How can he be so influenced by me. I rarely do Amy of the things I say.. Huh. Weird. I may as well go to bed.. Tomorrow there's a parade I have to be in with Kawaii~Chan.. I'm probably going to regret going.. I lay down and turn off my lamp next to me. I get comfortable and fall asleep.

Aaron's pov
That werewolf better stay away from her.. He's really pushing it. After our little chat today before he decided to take a walk with her he tried to make me think I wasn't good enough for her.. Wait.. Now that I think of it.. Am I really good for her..?

Interesting ending if I do say
Like I said on Zane X Reader
Updating Aaron X Reader every: Monday and Wednesday.
And updating Zane X Reader every: Friday and Saturday.

Aarori~Senpai - - - - - Peace ✌

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