6th Grade Kickball

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We are yet again met with a challenge. I try fitting in with the boys. I've always liked to consider myself pretty athletic. In shape... Most of the time. As a girl, I felt it as my duty to show the boys that we all aren't weak and girly girls. So, I played kickball at recess. I was beyond happy when they let me play, and was excited to show them my skill. Well, I never really got to because I was either A: Put very last or not at all in the kicking order or B: literally pushed aside by the boys so THEY could catch the ball. Because I can't. Because I'm a girl. By now, it's the middle of the year, and I've just about given up. But it seems kickballs going to take a turn for the better. I remember it clearly, as if it was only yesterday. Here we are yet again at recess. The dreaded picking of teams. I'm given to a captain who's name I didn't know (at the time. He will remain unnamed for the sake of my sanity. For now and in the future, he will be known as Four. Yes, as in the guy from Divergent. It's who he reminds me of ). In my head I thought "oh joy. He's just going to put me in the very back and not let me do anything. Just like they all do. Every. Single. Time. Except, he didn't, he put me very first in the kicking order and even cheered me on as I was up to bat/kick. Which surprised me because I didn't even know who he was. I was filled with happiness and it actually made me smile. The first boy to actually treat me equally to themselves. The first boy to show me kindness. It was then and there that I believe he stared this journey, I didn't know it at the time, but I was along for the ride as well


Until later my lovely readers,
-Author~Chan and The Narrator

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