Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions.

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Oliver's Point of Veiw...

I didn't really know how to feel with the fact Hannah called me out of nowhere. I guess being in here made it easier to cope in a way, being without her and all..

I reached my room to find Alyson sitting on the edge of the bed. I stood against the foor frame and rubbed the back of my neck "Hey" she breathed looking at me, I smiled "Hey Alyson" I replied, a small smile appeared on her face. "Where did you get too?" She questioned, I rubbed my arm "Erm.. I had a phone call." I stated. "Is that a good thing?" She asked, I smiled slightly. "I guess so, but I don't want her back after what she put me through.. " I trailed off and looked at the ground.


Alyson's Point Of Veiw

The Isolated walls of this place, Is enough to make me go crazy. I'm bored out of my mind and I haven't spoken to Oliver all day,  I seen him walking with Katrina, one of the staff at this Hospital, walking to reception.

'Why was he being taken to reception?'
The voice in my head echoed.

The thought troubled my anxiety as I began to overthink the entire situation.

I decided I'd wait for him in his room and see if everything was okay..


Here I sat. On Oliver's bed waiting for his return. He appeared learning on the door frame rubbing the back of his neck, "Hey" I said looking into his gorgeous eyes, how I could stare into them all day.. He smiled "Hey Alyson" Oli replied, I smiled slightly. "Where did you get too?" I asked and I rubbed my arm because, I didn't want to sound needy. "Erm.. I had a phone call." He stated, "Is that a good thing?" I asked and Oliver smiled slightly..

"I guess so, but I don't want her back after what she put me through.." Oli trailed off and looked at the ground. I could sense that he wasn't okay.

I stood up and walked up to Oli, he raised his head slightly to see what I was doing. I met his gaze and I could tell he was hurting inside, it pained me to see such emotion in his eyes.

I embraced Oli, he needed to be held. I warped my arms around him, holding him as tight as I could.

"Its going to be okay Oli, everything's alright. Okay?.. I'm here and I'll do everything in my power to try and take away what you're feeling so you can feel whole again.." I whispered in his ear, with my words Oliver shut his door and dragged me to his bed, where he broke down in my lap..

I sat there, helplessly. I felt useless like all I could do, was sit there and  chant things in his ear telling him it was going to be okay and everything was going to be alright and that I'm here for him, I ran my fingers through his hair endlessly..

After awhile his cries died down and he drifted off to sleep and yet all I could do was just hold him and run my fingers through his hair..


A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been sorting my life out, trying to get back into school full time and stuff. I'll hopefully be updating more seeing as I've been spending lots of time on here again.. I'll be updating soon because the idea's are fresh in my head xD anyway my lovely's I hope you enjoyed this update and I'll be working on making my chapters bigger.

~ Bree

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