Chapter 8: News.

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Oliver's Point of View.

What was I going to say to her without it coming across as if I'm abandoning her is beyond me. But she has to know I can't stay around forever. 

I made my way down the hall towards her room and hesitantly knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing a tired looking Alyson. "Hey Oli" she says tiredly as she moves towards her bed. I shut her door before lingering in front of it. "Hey" I replied as she sat down on her bed and I took the chair next to her desk. "Alyson we need to talk" I said softly and she raised her eyebrow. "Is everything okay Oli?" She asked sounding worried I smiled slightly. "You see Aly.. I was called up to reception yesterday by the chick that runs this place, The Hospital has released me.. And well I told them about you and how you need me. And so I can come back whenever I want to see you.." I trailed off. "Okay Oli" she says smiling. "I'm glad they've released you from this place" she quickly added. I couldn't help but smile. "You took that better that I thought you would" I say chuckling. Alyson smirked "Never underestimate me Sykes. I'm full of surprises." She says and I had to hold back a laugh.

We hung out for a while before she had to go to Dr. Ryder's office. I told Alyson she needs to talk about her problems in order to let them go, she said she would try and talk to him about them. Before I left her room I left her a note;

Hey Alyson.
I'm sorry I couldn't wait around. I have some things that I need to do, I'll be back in a few days... Take care of yourself.

I made my way to my room and packed up my things. Before I headed to Reception where I phoned the one person I could count on.. Matt.


"Hello?" He called
"Hey Matt.." I trailed off
"Oliver?" Matt asked and I smiled.
"Yeah mate its me. I'm down at the Mental Asylum down on Rae St. Do you think you could pick me up??" I asked. There was a long pause. "Yeah I can do that, I'll see you in a bit" Matt said. I smiled "Thank you mate, I'll see you soon" I replied before the phone line went dead. I sighed in relief and waited around for Matt...

Alyson's Point Of View.

I awoke to a knock on the door. I groaned and hurled myself out of my warm bed to answer the door.

"Hey Oli" I said tiredly before making my way to my bed. I heard Oli shut the door "Hey" he replied. Oli sat down on the chair in front of my desk.

"Alyson we need to talk" he said softly and I raised my eyebrow. "Is everything okay Oli?" I asked, Oli smiled slightly. "You see Aly.. I was called up to reception yesterday by the chick that runs this place, The Hospital has released me.. And well I told them about you and how you need me. And so I can come back whenever I want to see you.." Oli trailed off. "Okay Oli" I  says smiling. "I'm glad they've released you from this place" I  quickly added. Oli smiled. "You took that better that I thought you would" he says chuckling. I  smirked "Never under estimate me Sykes. I'm full of surprises." I say. We hung out for a bit before I needed to go to my appointment with Dr. Ryder. He encouraged me to try to open up to Ryder, which would be difficult but I would give it my best shot.

After Therapy I headed to my room and found a note, hmm I thought to myself before picking the note up.

It read;

Hey Alyson.
I'm sorry I couldn't wait around.. I have some things that I need to do, I'll be back in a few days... Take care of yourself.

I sighed heavily. Of course I should of known...


A/N: Hey peeps I hope you enjoyed today's update c:

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