Chapter 11: Happy Days.

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Alyson's Point Of View.

Since Oli had brought me a phone, I have been able to bring back all my social media. I had dozens of messages from people asking where I've disappeared too. I talked to Oli frequently and it was good. It had been roughly 2 weeks since I seen Oli last and since he gave me my phone. I wondered when I would see him again.

I was in the middle of reading when I heard a knock on my door before it opened revealing Dr. Ryder.

"Hi Alyson, would you like to come with me?" He questioned. I put my book down before following him out the door and down the hall. Ryder shut the door. "Do you mind telling me what's going on?" I questioned as we walked straight passed his office towards reception. Dr. Ryder smiled, "We're heading to Reception so we can talk to Dr. Gilbert about getting you released" He stated, I smiled happily. "Okay cool" I replied as we made our way closer to reception.

I was happy that this day had finally came.. although it wasn't final I would be getting out today I was still happy I get to talk to the Dr. that runs this Asylum. I just hope it goes as I wish.

Dr. Ryder opens the office to Dr. Diana Gilbert. I take a seat at her desk and wait for her to start

"Alyson?" She asks as I take my eyes off the broken clock above her back wall. "Yes?" I question.
"I understand the past couple of months have been particularly hard for you and we are well aware that you're getting better, you have been though so much and I am very happy and proud to tell you that you are being discharged from this hospital. You are showing very strong signs that you're handling things much better from when you first arrived, I just need you to sign a few things and then you are free to leave when you please." Dr. Gilbert said before handing me the discharge papers.

Which I signed eagerly of course. I'm happy to get out of this place but I have no idea where to go.. of course I don't need to leave right away I need to figure out what I'm going to do.


After signing the discharge papers I headed back to my room, where I packed my things up because I want to leave asap. I tried calling Oli but his phone was off so I gathered that he is busy. I sent him a text telling him my great news, I also told him that I wasn't leaving just yet as I needed to figure out what I'm going to do and where I'm going to go.

Honestly I am feeling much better about things.. and about myself, Oli was right. I'm glad I listened to his advice because if I hadn't I wouldn't of gotten discharged, you get nowhere when you don't cooperate and I guess I learnt that the hard way when I first came in here, when I refused to take my medication. I look back at myself and the state I was in when I woke up from the Over Dose and I feel so much better now than what I have in many long months.

I hated Kyle for what he did to me and dumping me here with no explanation, no fucking reason why. I guess it was his way of getting rid off me. I'm fine with that. I'm leaving this place feeling better than I have in a few years.. If anything I'm grateful he did because I woke up to myself, I'll make sure he regrets everything he's done to me one day. I don't need to contact him or anything but I hope him seeing me happier than I was with him chills him to the bone.

I packed up my things and headed to bed..

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