Chapter 5: His Walls Are No More.

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Alyson's Point Of Veiw.

I honestly don't know how long he was laying there in my lap for, I just kept running my fingers through his hair. Until he started stirring in his sleep..


"Alyson?.." Oli whispered, I stopped what I was doing. "Yeah?" I murmured "I'm so so sorry for earlier.. I-I don't know what came over me.." he barely whispered. It hurt me to see him like this. "I guess you deserve an explanation for my behavior" He started, I sat there kind of shocked at his words. He was still laying in my lap and so I listened to what he had to say. 

Olivers Point Of Veiw.

"About 8 months ago my Brother Tom, commited suicide, I found him. He had hung himself, Around 2 months later my now ex girlfriend, Hannah. The one who had called me earlier, dumped me because I was a suicidal mess who had turned to drugs to eliminate my problems.. No one could handle me and my parents final option was here.." I explained."I don't blame them of course looking back on it now.. It was the best choice for me and they're only trying to do what's best, I'm not angry at them, like they seem to think.. I was .. but now I understand." I said, I sat up so I could look at her.

Her face was full of concern and I knew she was worried.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Oli" she said sadly.

I smiled slightly, "Thanks Alyson, but its okay" I said reassuringly. She smiled at me "You know I'm always here for you right?" She says and I cant help but chuckle. "Yes Alyson, I know you're here for me as I am always here for you" I say and she blushes at my words and smiles.


Alyson's Point Of View.

"I guess I should be going, I have places to be and doctors to see.." I say to Oli and he chuckles, "Sure Alyson, Thank you for earlier.. It's nice to know I have someone here for me" I can't help but smile at Oliver's words.

"Its okay Sykes, I'm always here" I say lingering in the doorway he smiles slightly and says "Same goes for you Alyson. Always." I nod at his words.

"I'll see you later" I said before walking down the hall to my doctors office.
Oh how I hate talking about my issues.

"So Miss Moore, tell me about your childhood?" Doctor Ryder asked I sighed heavily trying not to shiver at the thought.

"Well for starters Dr Ryder, You call me Alyson, not Miss Moore or Alyson Moore. I don't refer to myself as Alyson Moore, Just Alyson. And my childhood has nothing to do with why I'm here." I stated bluntly uninterested in the topic of conversation. 

The Dr scribbled some stuff down in his notebook before looking at me again.

"Okay.. Alyson. If your childhood isn't the problem then what is?" Ryder asked. I sighed heavily and looked away not really wanting to discuss the topic.

"How can I help you of you don't let me?" Ryder asked and I sighed once again.

"Look I don't know whats wrong with me okay? I'm fucked up and you wouldn't understand a thing."

"Then make me understand Alyson.. That's what I'm here for. I'm here to help you and to learn how to understand you and how you work.. I'm a doctor, its my job.." Ryder stated.

I nodded at his words still not wanting to open up. It was hard to trust people when your mind is broken.

"Its hard for me to open up to people.. and its hard for me to trust people, with everything I've been through I'm so used to keeping to myself, my walls have gotten so high its hard to get them down again.."

Ryder smiled at me after writing down something in his book.

"That's something we shall work on ok Alyson, now tell me about your Relationship with Oliver Sykes?" Ryder asked me

I smiled "Yeah he's cool" I stated. Of course there was more to Oli and I's friendship then what I'd lead on.


Oliver's Point of View.

Not long after Alyson left for her appointment, I was taken to reception once again to descuss my treatment...

"This will be interesting" I thought to myself as I waited in the office of the person who runs this place.. her names Dr. Diana Gilbert.

She walked in the door and sat down in her chair she opened up my file and read it for a few minutes..

"Oliver Sykes?" She says my name as if shes bored.

"Yes Dr?" I ask

"Do you know why you're here?" She questions. I shake my head no indicating I didn't know.

"Oliver we are here to discuss your treatment and your realise date.." The doctor spoke seriously.

Realisation hit and I knew what this meant..


A/N: Hey my peoples, I hope you enjoyed this longer update :) c:


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