Meet the new Syco

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"I need you." I heard a voice say behind me as I was walking around the village trying to find something to do. I spun around to see Jax, Felix, and Luca all standing behind me.
"What?" I asked.
"I need your help with something." Jax replied.
"We are going to talk to Jevon." He said. Oh hell no.
"Nope." I simply said and started walking away. Jax ran up and grabbed me stopping me.
"Just wait. We need you to come and talk to him with us." He said. I pulled myself out of his grab.
"He held a knife to my throat I don't want to talk to him." I said rudely.
"Please." Jax whinnied. I rolled my eyes.

I was dragged along to the house that my friends where held in a while ago when we first came here. I walked in to see Jevon tied to a chair. I saw his face was beaten pretty badly. Once he saw me his eyes light up.
"Well hello there friend." He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Listen here Jevon. You are going to cooperate with us or you die that simple." Jax threatened.
"Or you can die." Jevon threatened back.
"Why do you want us dead." I blurted out. Jevon smiled at me.
"Don't be scared honey I would never kill you." He said. I looked at him confused.
"I want everyone else dead for other reasons, but I won't kill you."
"Why?" I asked.
"I want to keep you around for....... Reasons." He smirked. Jax stepped up and grabbed him by his shirt making Jevon laugh. I gulped suddenly feeling small.

"Shut up." Jax yelled at him.
"No." I said and Jax pulled away confused.
"Why do you want them dead. Why not avoid all this death and destruction and just not fight." I said. He studied me for a second. It looked like he was in deep thought.
"You know what. What if we do a trade. You give me something you have and I won't do anything at all to you this war thing will be over." He said. Hope flustered in me.
"Okay then what do you want? Weapons, food, supplies, what?" Jax asked.
"I want her." Jevon said pointing at me. I felt my heart sink. All the color drained from my face.
"Hell no." Jax said quickly.
"Okay then prepare to die."
Jevon shrugged.

"Wait Jax." I said.
"No Casey."
"Jax just listen."
"No!" He yelled. I pulled him to the side.
"Listen if I go with him this can all be over. Isn't that what we want?" I asked.
"Well yes, but not like this." He said sadly.
"I'll be fine."
"Casey please don't do this."
"I have to. Too many people died." I said sadly.
"I can't lose you." His voice cracked. I pulled him into a hug.
"You won't." I whispered. I pulled away and stepped back over to Jevon.
"Okay. You got a deal. But if you break your promise I will personally kill you." I threatened.
"Done." Jevon smirked.
"Casey?" Felix asked scared.
"It's okay." I said back. Jax roughly untied Jevon. And pulled him up.

He brushed off himself and walked next to me. I immediately regretted my choice. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I knew I needed to do this. Too many people have died and I can't have any more.
"Come along darling to your new home." He said holding out a hand for me. I took it shakily. I felt like crying like a little girl. He started leading me back to his village. Everyone ran out watching me walk off with the enemy. I looked back and Jax. He looked completely broken. I felt horrible. I gave him a sad look and he returned it. Jevon saw I was looking back at him and pulled me forward. We got further away. I faintly heard Jax yelling and I felt like crying. I was still holding his hand and I felt like throwing up from touching him.
"Don't be scared darling I'm not going to hurt you." He said swinging out hands. I didn't reply.
"And I won't hurt your friend either. Trust me your gonna have so much more fun with me than you ever could with those other people." He said.
"Shut up." I said through me teeth. He just laughed and kept our hands together as he lead the way.

After a few hours of walking and not talking we made it. I kept my head completely straight not looking at anyone, but not looking down. I wanted to look strong and I think I did. He lead me into a different house. It was much more worn down from the others and it was further away from the others.
"This is your new home." He said. It had a single bed and a rusty chair. That's it.
"Very homey." I sassed.
"You've got spunk. That's what I like about you." He pushed me into the room and I stumbled forward. I quickly spun around, but it was too late. He already close the door. I ran and saw it was lock. This was really happening. I was really sleeping with the enemy. I had to remind myself it was for good.

I walked over to the bed and lied down on it. It felt horrible nothing like my old one. I already missed that place. I pulled my knees to my chest and started crying. I can't believe this is my life. It was for good, but I couldn't help but feel dead inside.

Plot twist chapter. Also sad to see Casey sad all the time. 😭
Anyways hope you are enjoying the book please give feedback.

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