What now?

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We all walked as a group together. We were all beat up, tired, and practically half dead, but today was a win. We came out as the winners. We killed the last two remaining tribes. We did this. I felt so many emotions that I didn't even know what to say.

I just walked in silence holding onto John for dear life. My stomach was in so much pain and I felt like I could just collapse right there.
"How much longer?" I asked berthing heavily.
"Four more hours I would say." Piper answered next to me. I groaned and stopped in my tracks hunching over holding my stomach. It may not seem like a lot with only two cuts, but trust me it was more painful than you think.

"I ca- I can't." I said slowly fading in and out of conciseness. John was already out of breath so I had no idea what he was going to do to help. Then Jax came over out of no where and picked me up bridal style. I yelped out in pain when he moved me. But he kept walking leading everyone. I slumped in his arms on the edge of darkness.
"Wait, your side." I whispered eyes half closed.
"I'm fine Casey, but you have to stay awake. Okay? Stay awake." He said concern filling his tone.
"I'm so tired." I whispered barley audible.

"No! Casey stay awake. You have to stay awake!" Jax started yelling, but it sounded to far away. I was trying so hard. With all my strength I had left to keep myself awake, but it's easier said then done. Everything was spinning and I couldn't even hear what Jax was saying anymore. It all sounded jumbled. I felt my body start to go limp and the darkness slowly consuming me till there was nothing left. Nothing, but darkness.

I shot forward gasping. My heart beat was out of control and my breathed were ragged and each one hurt. I looked around to see an all to familiar place. I was back at the village. In the hospital cabin. I looked to my right side and saw Jax with a hand on my shoulder to calm me. He pushed my softly so I was lying back down.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Fine. Wait, what about you! Your side?" I asked scared.
"I'm fine. Daz stitched me up and it's all good." He said calmly. I let out a sigh of relief. He looked around the room to make sure no one else was here. There wasn't. Then he looked back at me with an unreadable expression. I looked at him confused.

"Casey, what happened with Jevon?" He asked. I sighed.
"I know it looked bad, but he only cut me. That's all." I said letting out some miner details. He looked down.
"Did he....." He trailed off.
"No! No! No, he didn't." I said knowing what he was thinking. It was true Jevon didn't rape me. I guess with the things he said I can understand that Jax thought that might have happened. He looked back up at me like he didn't believe me.
"Please. I need to know." He whispered anger and sadness in his voice. I already told him what happened. I swallowed a lump in my throat and continued trying not to cry.

"He tied my to the bed, touched me, and then cut me that's all." I said trying to sound as emotionless as possible. Jax sighed sadly. He pulled me into an unexpected hug. But I immediately hugged back.
"Please don't ever do anything like that ever again. It was stupid and reckless. And what if you would have gotten hurt. That would have been on me." He shouted at me. This made me angry.
"I did it because I was trying to save you! I was trying to save my people!" I shouted back at him.
"You don't always have to be the hero!" He shouted back.
"You're right I'm not the hero, but I will do everything in my power to save the people I care about." I said calmly back glaring at him.
"It was a stupid idea you could have died." He whispered angry then walked away.

I felt my hands go into fists and my jaw clenched.
"Trouble in paradise?" Daz asked. I forgot she was even in here.
"He's just being an ass right now." I said shaking my head.
"I can see where he's coming from, but that was a little extra." She said walking over to me. I just rolled my eyes.
"Your free to go if you want." She said. I was glad to leave and get outside. I stood up. The pain was strong, but I pushed that aside.
"Thank you Daz, for everything." I said meaningful. She smile and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and shortly we pulled away.
"Never thought I would do that." I said awkwardly.
"Don't get used to it. Now get out." She joked. I chuckled and left the room.

I was still beyond pissed with Jax and I needed to vent to someone. Jack. Perfect. I walked to my cabin to grab some new clothes before I went to find Jack. When I walked in I saw John.
"John?" I asked. He turned around clearly surprised.
"Sorry. I was just looking for you." He explained.
"Well I'm here. What do you need?" I asked.
"I wanted to make sure you're okay." He said sweetly. I sat on my bed.
"I'm fine." I said half lying. He sat next to me.

"I mean for real." He said looking at me. We may not have been friends for that long, but he still knows when I'm lying. I sighed.
"Do you think what I did was stupid?" I asked.
"It was scary brave and just a bit reckless, but stupid, no. It was just you being brave like usual." He smiled at me. I looked at him surprised.
"Jax said it was stupid and I could have gotten killed."
"Well Jax is stupid for doubting you." John smirked. I laughed.

Then we fell into a silence and we just sat there staring at each other. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine and we kissed. It only lasted for about six seconds, but the worst part about it was that I didn't regret doing it.

WHOA THERE PLOT TWIST AT THE END!!! But anyways hope your enjoying the story please give feedback.

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