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Years Ago

"Oh, don't be so serious, Boy Wonder!"  The green haired madman swings the rusty old crowbar twice, walking closer to the bloody and broken boy that lays on the cold concrete floor of the warehouse at an agonizingly slow pace. He lets out an ear shattering laugh which causes the beaten boy to inhale a painful breath. "This is what happens when a little bird flies out of his nest too soon!"

"Kick... Y'r pasty.... White ass..." The displeasure and pain that the boy had felt while speaking was something that he didn't mind. He didn't mind because he knew that as soon as he was out of this place, as soon as he was healed that he would kick his tormentors ass. He would kick it so hard he'd end up on the damn moon.

Even beat half to death, the Boy Wonder still believed in his mentor and father-figure. He knew that he would save him from the maniac that's taking pleasure in causing him pain.  And he knew that even if he does die, Batman will avenge his death and make they're time together worth more than just news headlines and masks. Because they were Batman and Robin. Gotham City's dynamic duo. He was one of Batman's closest allies, his son. It shouldn't be possible for him to let the Joker do anything other than die after he took Robin away from him.

"Take this as a lesson from your Uncle Joker!" The crowbar is raised above his head. He was suddenly much closer to Jason, standing over his limp and hurting body with his legs apart, one foot on either side of his frame. 

He brings the crowbar down hard on the boy's chest, laughing his signature loud and menacing cackle. Jason doesn't scream - he can't. All he does is whine and weep as the Joker lands multiple hits on his tortured body. The crowbar slams against his rips, swinging across his distressed flesh. Jason's teeth are bloody, the bright scarlet liquid dripping from his split lips.

"Not that you'll need it in the short time you have left to live! Haha! Hahaha!"

"Y'son of a... Bitch." Jason spits, dark red blood flying out of his mouth. There's a whole in his side, a wound that just won't stop bleeding. The thick red liquid pools around him, his cheeks pressing into the stained hard floor of the warehouse. "When Batman... When he... Finds m-me..."

"Batman won't be able to save you this time, bird boy," The joker spits, dirt and grime from his yellow teeth flying at Jason's face. He steps back after one more blow to the boy's already broken ribs, his nightmarish smile widening more than Jason ever thought possible. "You'll be dead before he even figures out where we are! Hahaho!"

Jason doesn't register what the clown does next, he's far too gone for that. But as the crowbar is swung in his hand, Jason can't help but shiver in fear. He was already suffering. The pain that washes through him like never ending waves is unbearable.

He didn't think he could take another hit but he had underestimated his own strength. Joker makes his appearance once again with an orange, burning metal pipe gripped in his hand. He places his foot on Jason's side, pressing down harder than necessary, pulling a wince and a groan from Jason's lips. He pushes the boy onto his stomach, a scream emitting from the tortured Robin's mouth.

The green haired serial killer raises the burning pipe, adjusting his grip before whipping it down onto Jason's toned back. A scream ripples through Jason's throat, the coarse noise bringing pain to his chest.

DANGEROUS ⇛ Jason Todd  [ currently on hiatus ]Where stories live. Discover now