2) At First Sight

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After everyone was seated in the dining pavilion, collecting food, and giving offerings to the gods, Mr. D started the announcements. "First of all, I would like to say an honest-" Gasps were heard throughout the crowd"- welcome back to Kat Swan of the Zeus cabin." As he finished saying that sentence everyone turned to look at me and claps arose through the crowd.

 I may or may not have gone on lots of successful missions and have become a camp favorite...

 "Secondly, If she agree's, she will help train our new comers who are Cold Ones. They are vampires, as most people call them. They are from Italy. Ladies and gentleman the Volturi. None of them have a godly parent but they have each been claimed according to qualities of their personalities. The members of this coven that are with us now are the three leaders: Caius, Marcus,Aro. As, well as some of their guard: Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demitri. Although they have been claimed, they will stay with her in the Zeus cabin. Kat are you okay with this?" he asks. I think about it. It will help me get revenge on Penny-head and his family. 

The only ones I like and respect are Jasper and Rosalie because they never led me on and made me believe they liked me. "It's fine with me," i tell M.r D. Mr. D whispers something for all seven of them to hear and they make their way over to my table and sit with us(Annabeth and Grover are with her). 

All throughout dinner, we just kept laughing and talking happily, smiles never leaving our faces. "You aren't as bad as the Cullens said you were," I said, waiting for their reactions. "How do you know the Cullens?" Demetri asked me. So I told him the story of how I went to Forks, pretending to be Bella Swan, what happened with James and the birthday party, and how the Mind-Rapist left me in the forest. As I was telling them this, everyone in the dining pavilion seemed to be listening. After I had finished explaining, everyone had angry looks on their faces, there was no pity because everyone knew I hated being pitied.

  Clearly, the Gods had been listening from Olympus because I could hear thunder and lightning. The odd thing was Demetri seemed angrier than everyone. After we finished dinner, the Volturi followed me to the Zeus cabin. I knew they didn't sleep, but I still gave them rooms for if they need time to themselves and to put their things in. That night I slept peacefully, happy to be home. 


i was smart enough to save a copy of the chapters i had written and archive  them into my drive :)

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