5) Disco Balls

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Soon enough, the bell for dinner rang out across the camp. All of the girls who had their heads on their mate's laps lifted themselves into sitting positions so the guys could stand up. The guys helped us up and we all walked to the dining hall. 

We finished eating and went off to train. After training, we were lying on the ground. The Volturi and the Cullens announced  that they weren't actually cold ones, but traditional vampires. once they told us this they got rid of their glamours, and i think i speak for all of the girls when i say they looked much better this way. we entered the dining hall and all lined up for food as traditional vampires can eat food. We walked over to our table and sat down to eat. We talked and laughed but stopped when we noticed Pixie bitch and Dickwad walk in. "Who untied the disco balls?" I yelled over the noise. A lot of people laughed at my comment. All of the people in the Aphrodite cabin except for Rosalie looked down. We went back to our food, not paying attention to the pair until they walked over and tried to sit with us. With my powers, I pushed them off the seat and caused the food they were 'eating' to go all over them.

 The rest of the dining hall looked over to see what had happened, and when they caught sight of what had happened, everyone laughed so hard i think a few people were crying with laughter. Pixie stormed off and Shitface followed after her like the pathetic dog that he is. 

After finishing our dinner, we all went back to the Zeus cabin to relax and spend more time together before everyone had to go to their cabins. Us girls waited for the boys to sit down before sitting in their laps. We ended up watching Emmett and Jasper play Call of Duty, it was hilarious when one of them died. The two soon got fed up with it and we ended up just telling funny stories. Then people had to go back to their cabins. Everyone said goodnight and headed off.  Alec and I both went to my room as we had been sharing a bed.

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