chapter two

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Andrea packed the few things she owned and crept out of the house in the middle of the night. After so many years she was finally going to be free from her father's torture. She was worried for her sister the only person who ever cared for her.

"By dark, oh dark I call upon you to protect what's my other half. Keep safe sister of mine"
Andrea softly said this,knowing that her darkness was strong enough to protect her twin.

After three days, tired and battered she tumbled upon a small town. She went into a small restaurant to fill her empty growling stomach. She devoured her food not having eaten for two days.
Unknowing to her a man watched as she ate knowing that there was something special about the girl. Andrea slipped into the back of the restaurant looking for the manager, she had decided to stay in the small town and she needed to earn a little her little stash of money was running out.
" Are you lost young lady?" a commanding voice asked from behind her.
Taking in a deep breath Andrea turned around.she was met with handsome man, tall, blonde and well built. He seemed to be around thirty.
"Sorry sir. I...uh, I was looking for the manager. I mean whoever is in charge here."

"Anything wrong miss? I could help out if you need some help—"

"No no. Am just looking for a job, umm yeah am new to the town and would need to earn a little for my up keep"
She crossed her fingers behind her, praying and hoping he could help her. The man assessed her for quite awhile as she just stood there trying to master up a polite little smile but failing miserably.

Something about  her called to him. For some unknown reason liam Turner felt a very strong urge to protect her.
"What's your name? "
"Andrea, sir."
"You don't seem to be from around here. You look like you need help so am offering you a job. You help around my place and I'll provide you with food and a roof over your head and well I'll pay you too. What do you think?"
Andrea was quite for awhile just thinking. He looked like a decent guy.she thought. Clearly seeing that she needed him and his generous offer she nodded her head in agreement.

"It was a good thing she left.she was weak and pathetic, she doesn't stand a chance out there"
Adriana heard her aunt say. There was a family gathering of some sort celebrating Andrea's departure. She felt hurt and ached for her sister. After coming of age her powers started awakening. She felt the shift of power in her just like she felt her sister's the day before yesterday, their 18th birthday.
"Light I call upon you by blood protect my blood of the other"
She said lightly hoping that she was safe wherever she was. She spotted her father coming towards her and turned to get away from him. She had been avoiding him since the day her sister left.
In a corner a man sat watching the Montez celebrate. He was bidding his time well, waiting,watching. They had what he valued most and needed. Time will come when he'll get what he desired. No one saw him as he slipped away with an evil smile plastered on his face.
"Adriana, your friends are here to see you." Richard said." Invite them in."
She didn't answer him as she moved towards the door. She felt sick and suffocated by their cruelty.
"Emily ! Hey Darrel." She greeted her friends.
"You bunch are quite happy now, aren't you? You never even cared for her a little." Darrel stated coldly, his eyes chilled. He hated how Andrea had been treated he was glad she finally left. He only hoped she was alright wherever she went.
"Am not happy my sister left . I need to get out of here. Let's get out of here please."


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