Pearl x Reader

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I've never written a Pearl x reader before, so I'm sorry if she's a little OOC or the writing is weird, since I haven't really developed how I like to write her character. Also please don't be afraid to leave suggestions in the comments, whether for mistakes on this story or stories you'd like to see in the future!


"(y/n)! Wait up!" A familiar voice called, you stopped, and turned to face the adorable half-gem who you knew would be standing there. You couldn't forget his bubbly voice if you wanted to. "Hey Steven, what's up?" You asked, a smile on your face. The curly-haired boy beamed back at you, obviously very excited about something. "I have a surprise for you!" He said, grabbing you by the hand and dragging you towards the house where he and the gems lived. You chuckled, jogging alongside him as he dashed across the sand. "This surprise better be awesome, if you're this excited about it." You teased. "It is! It's the coolest thing ever!" Steven practically shouted, throwing open the screen door of the house and running over to the kitchen counter.

There was a brightly colored package with a huge, colorful bow on top sitting there, and you didn't know what to expect. "Wait.. Is this for me?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Steven was grinning from ear to ear, and nodding furiously. "Yeah! Open it! You'll love it, I promise!" He said, holding the package out to you. You blushed with embarrassment, but began to open it, first taking the bow off and sticking it to Steven's face. "Aw, hey, I can't see now!" He laughed, sticking the bow onto your shirt instead. You smiled, then proceeded to unwrap the paper covering the box. "Yeesh, how many layers of tape did you put on this thing?" You said, struggling to open it. "Erm... A lot." Steven said, flopping over. You finally managed to get all the tape off, and opened the box up excitedly. "Woah, what? A pair of ballet shoes? Steven, you know I can't dance." You frowned, confused. "That's why I got you them, (y/n)! So Pearl can give you dance lessons! She wants to!" He smiled, clapping his hands together.

You blushed slightly. "Pearl wants to give me dance lessons?" You said, flustered. You had not been expecting this. You'd had a crush on Pearl for a while now, and had no idea what to do about it. You and Pearl were friends, but it would be amazing if you could become closer to her, even if she didn't return your feelings. You would be disappointed of course, but you could understand that she only liked you platonically. You just hoped that wasn't the case. You were snapped pit of your thoughts by the sound of the warp pad activating. "Guys! You're back! How was the mission?" Steven asked excitedly. "It was GREAT, Ste-man! We totally kicked those corrupted gem's butts!" Amethyst shouted excitedly. Pearl rolled her eyes, giving a small laugh. "I guess you could say we did a good job." She said. Garnet nodded in agreement. Amethyst suddenly noticed you, running over and pulling you into a hug. "Hey, long time, no see, (n/n)!" She laughed. "It's been like two days, Amthyst." You chuckled. Garnet waved with a small smile, then turned and walked into her room. Steven went starry-eyed as he pulled Pearl over towards you. "Pearl, look! Now (y/n) can do dance lessons with you! It's gonna be so much fun." He said, pointing towards the shoes you had received. Pearl smiled. "Well, Steven! How kind of you to buy (y/n) a pair of ballet shoes! That was very nice." Steven smiled back, "Have fun you guys! I'm going to see Connie!" He said as he ran out the door. "Thanks, Steven!" You called after him.

"Guess it's just us then! You shrugged, looking over to Amethyst and Pearl. "Actually, just you two." Amethyst said. "I'm gettin' some good ol' food." She yawned, sauntering over to the door. "Have fun." She smirked, winking at you, then running off before you could say anything. "U-uh, ok.." You stuttered, looking back at Pearl, who seemed a little confused.

"Um, so.. Do you want to start the lesson?" You asked, rubbing the back of  your neck. Pearl blushed slightly, then nodded. You sat down and slipped the shoes on, only with a little difficulty, then looked over to Pearl expectantly. "So, what's first?" You asked. "Well, you do need to stand up." She chuckled, offering you her hand. You smiled and accepted it, standing up and trying to get used to how the slippers felt. "I think we should start with going from flat-footed to up on your toes. How does that sound?" Pearl asked, offering you get other hand for balance. "Sure!" Your cheeks flushed a little due to the contact, but you did your best to focus on what Pearl was saying.

~timeskip since I have no idea how dance stuff works~

After about 20 minutes, you felt like you had gotten the basics down. You smiled. "Hey Pearl! Spin me?" You asked. The gem gave a small laugh, offering her hand to you once again, which you took in your own. You both raised your arms up, and Pearl proceeded to twirl you around. You laughed with joy, closing your eyes. Suddenly you felt yourself falling backwards, and you opened your eyes, only to see Pearl above you. She had one hand around your waist, the other holding one of yours. Face flushed with color, you looked away sheepishly. Pearl's hands were very warm, you noticed. Both of you had leaned back up and were standing quite close together, and you were very aware of the hand around your waist.

Pearl hadn't said a word. You gulped and looked at her, and the last thing you were expecting to see was a blush matching your own on her face. "Pearl..?" You said softly.

The gem stared into your eyes, an expression of deep thought and worry across her face. You called her name again, resting a free hand gently on her shoulder. Pearl bit her lip, and you tried not to blush. The current silence was eating away at you. Finally she spoke up.



"I'm not sure how to explain this, but.."
She hesitated.
"Actually I don't know what to do."

"Pearl? Are you okay?" You asked, squeezing her hand.

"Would it be alright if  I kissed you?"

You gasped slightly, a darker blush spreading across your face.
"U-uh, um.."
You stuttered.

A look of shame came across the gem's features, and she hid her face in her hands. "Oh, why did I say that? Please forget I said anything." She said softly.

"Pearl, hey, it's ok. I just wasn't expecting that." You said, cheeks still a shade of pink. She brought her hands down. "Are you sure?" She asked, and you gently took her hand in your own.

"Pearl, of course." You smiled.
"A-and yes, you can kiss me.. If you want.." Blushing, you looked up at her.

She smiled sheepishly, bringing a hand up to your face, cupping your chin softly. You nodded, reassuring her. Both of you leaned in, lips brushing together in a tender kiss. You trailed a hand up her back, twirling strands of her short hair between your fingers.

You pulled apart, both smiling, arms wrapped around each other.

"I think this may have been the best present I've ever gotten."

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