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The two girls placed the box on top of a table. Curiosity took over C's hand and soon, the contents were revealed for them to appreciate.

There were a lot of different handwritten books. N excitedly grabbed two books from the box, one for her and another for C. They both sat on the princess' bed and started reading.

The book C held was entitled 'Her Throne' while the one N had was called 'His Chains'.

C finished reading hers first and told her cousin, "I'll be going out for a while, just wait for me here after you're finished with yours."

While walking by the corridors, she passed by her brother's room. The door was left slightly open and she wondered if Z was inside.

Helping herself in, she found her brother comfortably sat on his couch holding a pocket book. He seemed to be enveloped with it that C entering hasn't registered on him.

For no particular reason, C stared at her brother's eyes and was taken aback when she saw fresh tears falling. Not being able to bear the pain in his eyes, she wiped the tears with one of her fingers.

Z felt something cold touch his face, making him look up from the book. In surprise, he closed his book immediately--making a slamming sound. His sister had pulled her finger, but her eyes stared still.

"Um...there were tears, so I...", she tried to explain. Z only flashed her a weak smile. He put the book down and said, "Come here, sit down."

When C did, she picked up the pocket book and traced the letters of its title. Unlike the ones in that box she received, this one Z had looked old. The threads were barely holding the book together and some of the pages were torn.

"Queen's servant...huh?", she read the title. "Is it a tragic story?", she murmured to herself. Z nodded at that, also confirming that was the reason why he was crying.

"Do you...want to read it?"

"Maybe after I finish the books you gave me."

"Okay, then. Did you like my friend's gift?"

"Yes. Do tell him I like his books."

"I defo will! I just knew you'd like them because I like his works myself."

"And thank you. I'll be off to bed now. Good night, brother."

"Of course. Sweet dreams, C!"

That was the very first time the princess had seen the future chief cry. Thankfully, he's back to his usual chirpy self now.

"I wonder what goes on that mind of Z, that is my brother."

C found N already asleep on her bed when she came back. She pulled the duvet underneath as gently as she could and covered her cousin with it. After removing her accessories and changing into night gown, she joined N to bed.

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