Chapter 5

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I carefully and quietly made my way around the branch so I was standing to get a better view. A young male, maybe 18, was strolling my way, looking at the ground. His mop of dirty blond hair fell just past his shoulders, the hint of a curl at the end of each strand. He walked as though he had every secret in the world in his pockets, and was content on kicking a small stone as he passed by. I walked around the branch carefully onto another to see where he was going, then deciding that he hadn't seen me, I sat myself back down on my branch. 'I wonder what he's doing out here?' I thought to myself. Then the next thought came out as a slight whisper from my parted lips, "Who are you?"

"Want some eggs and bacon love?" Jas's mom asked.
"I'll have the eggs thanks, but not the bacon, I'm Vegetarian." I replied quietly. "And thank you for letting me stay the night, and for breakfast. Is there anything I can do to help? Some chores or something?" I asked, but Evonne was quite content that I shouldn't do anything but relax and try to sort things out with my dad.
"Hey Ari," two voices said in unison.
"Hey Jas, hey Aubrie. How are you both?" While Jas shrugged, Aubrie replied with a simple 'good thanks' and went about her way getting her breakfast done.
"Well, thank you so much for letting me stay but as it's a Monday I had better get myself off to school."
"First day of a new year, shouldn't be late." Evonne exclaimed.
"Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help really quickly?" I asked, feeling like I should have done something to thank her for letting me stay the night unannounced.
"Have a good day at school and that will mean the world to me, Hun."
"Okay, thank you so much Evonne for letting me stay, catch ya Jas, see you Aubrie." I said as I was closing the door.

I jogged home and slipped inside to grab my things, get changed and brush my teeth. I didn't say sorry to either of my parents who were in the kitchen eating their breakfast but did give them both a kiss on the cheek before heading to the bus stop. I walked up to the small tin box that was meant to stand for a bus shelter and sat down on the little wooden plank that i assumed was a seat. I got out my bus card and looked down the street in the direction the bus would normally come from. I saw the yellow and red outline of the school bus and stood up and brushed of my black jeans, checked my black shirt with the words, "Count The Stars" scrawled across the back in white, was straight and readjusted my glasses before flicking my black fringe out of the way. I still failed to understand how my parents wouldn't accept me as Emo, it's not like i didn't express it. 'They are just in denial that their perfect little girl has gone.' I thought. Just as the bus pulled up a figure appeared in my view, apparently running late for the bus. It was him.

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