Getting to know Kris(part 1)

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After a few days, Chanyeol is still a little protective about you when both if you are near Kris but he is a little relaxed. "Yah, want to go to my house later? We can play games." Chanyeol invited and you looked at him. "Game? Computer games again?" You asked in monotone. "Wait.. You guys go to each other house when you want to?" Kris asked, shocked. "Yeah, don't you?" You asked, curious. "Umm.. No, i usually call then make plans then i go on the planned day." Kris said, making you and Chaneyol laughed. "What?" Kris asked, confused. "Dude, where do you live?" Chanyeol asked and Kris looked at him. "Well.. A mansion. Since my parents are rich." Kris answered, shocking the two of you. "MWO?! Can we go?!" Both you and Chanyeol pleaded. "Sure, after school?" Kris suggested and you nodded.

Once school ended, you rushed to your locker and saw Chanyeol already standing beside your locker. "Yah seriously, what course did you take? How can your lesson end that early?" You asked as you kept your things. "Well.. Since i did that maths question fast and got all correct, my teacher let me go." Chanyeol replied and you rolled your eyes. "Maths geek." You said and Chanyeol looked at you. "And you love this maths geek." Chanyeol said, making you blush.

When both of you reached the school gates, you saw an expensive branded car waiting outside. You and Chanyeol looked at each other then back at the car then at each other, confused. "What are you guys doing? Get in." Kris said from behind and opened the door. He went in followed by you and Chanyeol. "This is your car?" Chanyeol exclaimed and he nodded. "Yeah, my parents bought it on my 17th birthday." Kris answered and you looked at him. "Why didn't i see you in this then?" You asked, curious. "Because we went seperate ways." Kris answered and you nodded.

Once both of you reached his mansion, both you and Chanyeol jaw-dropped. "Cover your mouths, your drool are coming out." Kris joked as he saw Chanyeol's and your expression. Both of you hurriedly shut your mouth.

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