The Train Ride

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So after a bunch of winging it and lying we were aloud to stay. Dumbledore gave us these weird coins and Mrs. Weasley (I had to choke back my laughter on that name) ot us our Hogwarts school supplies. It was surprising how much the Hogwarts robes reminded me of our other school robes.

Now let me explain everyone to you. Hermione Granger... She is like Justin, too obsessed with learning so I avoid her as much as possible. Ronald Weasley, he was rather interesting but very stupid, or as these british call it: Thick. Harry Potter was always angry and needed to lighten up. The Weasley twins were the most interesting in the house, they were also devious and fun to be around.

"You could be scary, and devious, and a little sneaky." Hermione noted one night.

"ugh," I said, leaning my head back. "You sound like my mom."

Then the day came for us to start school, wasn't a good day for me. I slowly got out of bed and pulled my trunk down the stairs.

"You'll be comin with me, Alex!" said the peppy Tonks. "You and your brothers! Now come along!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me along with my brothers out the front door.

It was a bright and sunny day outside, nothing like the usual gloomy days in New York we've been having. The breeze swept by hair back, over the last week I've been against my long hair and cutted it up to my shoulers. Right now I had one side of my hair twisted tightly around my head and loosened to the other side. (A/N I'm going to just go straight to the train ride if it's alright with you, the walk bores me.)

"So..." I said, rocking on my boots ( the only thing that wasn't uniform) "I'll see you two later-"

Justin grabbed my elbows before I could walk away. "Where are you going Alex?"

"Oh, would you just loosen up?" I snapped, pulling my arm away. "Go make some nerd friends."

"Fine, I will," Justin said. "But not because you told me to - but because I wan to,"

"ok..." I said uncrtainly and walking away before anyone would asume we were siblings. I roamed the train for a while until my arm got sore from lugging around my trunk. "leg a feetah run a meetah!" i whispered to my bag and legs sprouted on the bottom. "There, now-"

The bag started to run down the aisle...

"Oh, kay." I said, too lazy to catch it.

I opened the first compartment I seen and layed down on an empty seat.

"Who are you?" Sneered a drawling voice. I looked up from my glossy red nails and seen a boy about my age. He had his white-blonde hair slicked back and silver eyes, his features were pale and pointed.

"Ah," I said, holding out my hand. "Alex, Alex Russo."

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said, shaking my hand. "And this is Crabbe, and Goyle." He gestured to the two beefy looking kids next to him. "This is Pansy Parkinson." He pointed to a pug like girl clinging on to him.

"I've never seen you around." Pansy sneered in disgust. "What are you? A squib?"

"No," I said, smiling. "I am a witch."

"Muggleborn?" she asked.

"What born?" I asked.

"Are your parents muggle?" Draco asked me in exasperation.

I faintly remembered Justin telling me that muggles were people who didn't have magic. "No, My father is a wizard, mother a muggle."

"Then why haven't we ever seen you before?" Pansy said, eyeing me up and down -  kind of reminded me of GG, though uglier.

"Just came in town, I am from New York, America." I said proudly.

"That explains the accent," Draco said, nodding and looking me up and down.

"Okay, What accent?" I asked, tilting my head.

Pansy rolled her eyes and stared intently at Draco. "Why are we talking to her Draco? She looks like she is going to become a Hufflepuff anyways."

"I think she's Slytherin material."Draco disagreed.

"Okay, I have no idea what those are but Hufflepuff sounds like something girly, slytherin sounds cool." I said truthfully.

The rest of the trian ride went like that, Pansy insulting me, Draco commenting me, and me being completely oblivious to whats going on.

Justin Russo's POV

I couldn't decide what to do as I stood in the aisle all by myself. Max had left to do who knows what and Alex had went to cause distruction to someone else. I had to admit that it was interesting to slip into this place - Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix - it was called. I was at a mental debate, I could go to dad and blame it all on Alex but she would no doubt find a way to put it on me, and this adventure would help me in my wizards studies...

"Hello?" Asked a sweet and angelic voice. I turned around to see a tall girl - but still shorter then me - standing with one hand on a compartment door and the other tucking a stay golden brown hair behind her small ear. she had curvy features and her brown eyes had small green flakes in them. "Would you - er - like to come in?"

"Oh, uh," I said stupidly, Alex always made fun of me because of it. "Yeah, that be - um - great."

She smiled brightly and slid the compartment door open and swept inside with cat like grace while I stumbled in after her. There were a couple others in here - only two I recodnised - it was Fred and Goerge Weasley sitting across from a darkskinned boy with dreadlocks and a soft kid face.

"Well sit down," The girl giggled, gesturing to the seat across from her.

"Oh, right." I mumbled and nodded once, then quickly sat down. "I'm Justin Russo."

"Alicia Spinnet," The girl said, holding out her hand. I shook it and mumbled a hello to everyone else.

"What house would you like to be in Justin?" Asked Alicia politely.

I remembered the four houses I read about and instantly said. "Ravenclaw,"

Max Russo's POV

"Well, well, well," I said to myself. "Appear out of no where in a place I don't know, check."

As usual I hadn't a clue what was going on, I was sure we weren't in the same tim and place becuase the shoes I was wearing weren't comfortable, and everyone talked funny.

I opened a door and seen a boy with mousy brown hair and big light brown eyes. He was bouncing on his seat, talking excitedly to a girl across from him, she had a dazed look on her face and pale blonde hair dangling around her.

"I'm Max," I said. "I'm going to be sitting here till we arrive at Pigfarts,"

"You mean Hogwarts," The boy said.

"No I'm pretty sure it's Pgfarts, thankyou." I said. That silly boy, he didn't even know what school he was going to, that's sad.

"I sense that your going to be in Gryffindore," said the blonde girl, gazing unfocusley at me.

"yeah," I said, glancing around. "Okay."

Alex Russo In Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now