Chapter 4

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Amatheia's POV-

I look at him questionably, what does he mean Red list? Is it bad? He looks at me for a moment, and I stare back, is he expecting me to speak to him? I shall not, he stopped me from escaping.

"The Red list is something the slave traders put you on if you are troublesome, warning people want to buy you that you are not easy." Salem explained, sitting on the chair next to me. We sat in silence, one might comment on the silence being awkward, but I simply ignored him. "I'm trying to be patient with you, but you not talking to me isn't going to make your situation any better." He spoke bitterly to me. Little did he know there was a purpose to my lack of talking to him.

In the five days I was asleep, my energy came back to me. Now all I need is my tail, but I have no idea how I am going to get it back.

In the whole time I was thinking, Salem was staring at me. After a few minutes, he stormed out of the room, as fast as a dolphin racing to get food. I sat still, I knew vampires were fast, but I'd never realized how fast before now. This could jeopardize my escape.

I slowly got up out of the bed, only to realize that I am wearing what looks like a thin robe. Mermaids are not known for being modest when it comes to clothing, but without my tail and most of my scales, I feel bare. Looking around the room, I spot a dress and a pair of shoes.

 Looking around the room, I spot a dress and a pair of shoes

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I put them on and walk out of the room, the sea breeze flows past me through an open window

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I put them on and walk out of the room, the sea breeze flows past me through an open window. I stop and close my eyes, thinking of home. The tall kelp trees tickling my tail as I raced my friends, or playing hide and seek with the dolphin pod.

"Miss?" A soft voice asked me, I turned from my spot by the window, my now short dark locks softly moving to the breeze around my face.

The woman has light brown hair, with light blue eyes. She has a simple black and white maids dress. She looks at me warily, as if she is scared I'll run. In all honestly I'm surprised that everyone here isn't looking at me like that. As I stare at her waiting for her to continue, it's as if she realizes something and shakes her head, and the puts a small smile on her face.

"The master told me to show you to where you will be staying. If you will please follow me miss." She the grabs my hand and pulls me to where ever I'll be staying.

As she pulls me through the never ending halls, I take note of everything I see. This castle, of sorts, is very well decorated. With mostly dark wood furniture, beautiful paintings, and few unique nicknacks here and there. The most eye catching painting to me was one of the sea, and if you looked close enough you could see a mermaid laying in the shallow rocks in the corner.

Finally we arrived to a door, and the woman stopped. She opened the door and stood to the side, waiting for me to walk in first. I slowly walked in, wary of my surroundings. The room wasn't huge, nor was it small. In the corner there was a hanging bed, with white and sea foam green sheer curtains. There was a small walk in closet with an assortment of dresses and shoes. The floor was a creme colored carpet. Along some of the walls stood tall bookshelves, with some books and sea shells on them. There was a bathroom next to the closet door, with only a toilet next an counter, and a shower.

All this confused me, why would I have nice living arrangements, when I was bought as a slave? I'm not complaining, but this is all very odd.

"You get special things because you are to be showed off. Master bought you with the purpose of showing you off, because as you may know, owning a mermaid makes you very high class. He has to keep up his reputation." The woman said, and if I'm not mistaken, she sounded jealous. But of what exactly? Being taken from your home, and sold off to the highest bidder? If she is, she really needs to get her mental stability checked.

"I'll leave you to it, the master will come and check on you soon." She said waking out of the room, and closing the door behind her.

So let me get this straight, I am here to be showed like some shiny piece of jewelry? If they think I'm going to sit back and let them do what ever with me, they are dead wrong.

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