Chapter 1

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*Please keep in mind that I will not edit this story until I get the free time.

Updates will also be somewhat slow, unless I get the motivation to post more chapters at once. When that happens chapters will be short, if you want me to do it another way, please say so.

This story is an experiment, and if it is not good, or interesting, don't be afraid to say so. I will work hard to make this story, and the backgrounds in it as good as I can.

Also, thank you so much for clicking on this book, and joining me on this journey, I appreciate the support.*

-Sergeant Tibbs 💕


Amatheia's POV-

It seems as if I've been in this tank of sorts for ages, when in reality it's probably only been a few days. It's dark and the water is dirty, and I don't even have enough room to stretch my tail.

*Bang* *Bang*

I flinched as the metal door above me opened. I closed my eyes from the brightness.

"Are you ready to behave, mermaid?" A man said. He didn't say it in a rude way, but I didn't necessarily like his tone. The man had short brown hair, squinted brown eyes, and extremely tall.

I nodded my head, hoping this man would be gentler than the last person who handled me.

I hadn't spoke since I and here. I'm saving my voice, and as soon as I get a chance to escape, I will use my voice to escape. A mermaids voice has the ability to control any being, that is if they have enough energy.

I do not have enough at the moment, and it's taking longer then usual to get my energy up. I think it's the water that's causing this.

He groaned as he lifted me out of the dirty metal container. "You sure are heavy!" I glared at him, how dare he! I am the normal weight for a mermaid, thank you very much.

I looked around the halls of this prison type place. In all honesty, I had no clue what this place was. All I knew was it is where my kind was kept, that is until we were bought. I had never been outside of my home until these brutes showed up.

He opened a door, leading into a a small room with another tank type thing. How many of these things do they have?

"You will be staying in this room until you are purchased, and I suggest you don't start anymore crap with the guards." After he was done talking, he quickly made his way out of the room.

I sighed, sinking deeper into the small pool. How am I going to get myself out of this? Is there even a way out of this? Maybe I should let myself get bought, and then try to escape? Never mind, it's impossible without legs. I can't get any where if I have to drag myself around.

Is this really how I am going to spend the rest of my life? In small tanks?

My head sagged forward, causing my dark locks to fall in my face. Mermaids don't cry, we are tough creatures, but I was close to crying now. As much as it angered me to see myself in this position, I knew I could have prevented this. My curiosity got the best of me.

After awhile I fell asleep, only to be rudely awoken by people walking in and talking.

I jumped awake, looking around the room. There was the man from before, and a different man. This one had pale blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. He was as tall as the first guy.

The both stared at me, talking about something I didn't understand.
The way the blue eyed man stared at me, made me uneasy. His dark eyes scared me.

"I'll take her." He quickly said after a second.

"Are you sure?" The man from before asked, raising his eyebrow at the other man.

"I like her." Was all the blue eyed man said, still staring at me.

"Then we should get started on the paper work, do you have a witch who can do the spell?" Witch? Spell? What is he planning on doing to me?

"I know a witch who will help me. I'll be back tomorrow for her, make sure she is ready to go." The blue eyed man broke eye contact and walked out.

"You are lucky you know that?" The brown eyed man said.

I looked at him questionably, as if asking him how.

"Some of your friends weren't as lucky as you are in finding a good master." He chuckled darkly, causing me to despise the man.

How could a man laugh at something so terrible! How can someone find pleasure in anything, when they have a living enslaving other beings? He is a sick man.

"You are a sick man." I whispered,

"Oh my, you are beautiful and you have an amazing voice, Salem chose you well. I'm actually envious now." The man gave me a creepy smile, before walking out.

I messed up. But I couldn't help it, that man disgusted me.

After the man left, some older woman came in. "Well aren't you a beautiful thing!" One of them squealed as they walked closer to me.

I scooted to the far corner of the pool, trying to get away from the loud women.

"Shy too I see." One of the others gushed.

As they moved towards me with a bag full of..... I have no idea. But whatever it was, I didn't like it.

"It's time to get you all dolled up for your new master!" An older woman told me, trying to grab at my long hair.
She brought out a pair of scissors, moving it towards my hair. I looked at her wide eyed, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry dear, but we must. It is much to long." The woman said, signaling some of the other woman to hold me still.

Mermaids never really cut their hair, not often anyway. I loved my hair it was long, all the way to my waist, and they wanted to cut it. I sagged my head forward, feeling defeated. I just hope they won't cut it too short.

After about an hour of them doing things to my hair, they left. I sighed in relief, leaning back. It was then that I noticed the ceiling was made of mirrors. My eyes widened at the site of my hair. My once long beautiful hair, was now to my shoulders. The Green eyes that stared back at me, filled with tears. They keep messing with my culture, and I can't do a thing about it.

I closed my eyes, not to sleep but to try and focus all my energy in my voice. I need to be prepared if an opportunity arises for me to escape.

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