Chapter 6

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Amatheia's POV-

After staying in the bathroom for a good two hours, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Amatheia! I pranked uncle Salem! Hehe!" Quill said from behind the door. I quietly laughed as I opened the door.

"And how did you prank him, oh great quill?" I said giving him a playful bow. Quill puffed his chest out before answering.

"I may or may not have put a toy spider in his food... Causing him to scream." Quill let out a giggle, and clapped his hands while jumping up and down.

I barked out a laugh, and eventually it turned into full blown laughter, with me on the floor dieing.

"I-I can't-t believe y-ou-o did th-at!" I cried out trying to calm down, and wiping my tears.

I hear stomping feet nearing my room, I immediately get up from the floor and turn towards the door. Salem barges in, walks up to quill throwing him over his shoulder, quill starts laughing hysterically.

"You think putting a spider in uncle Salem's food is  funny huh? Well the tickle monster doesn't think so!" Salem then starts tickling Quills feet.

"Noooo, uncle Salem I'm sorry! I won't do it again!!! At least not Today!!" Salem tries to suppress his giggles as he laughs evilly, or at least tries to.

I sit wide eyed, looking at Salem. This was definitely not the real Salem. The Salem I'd come to know was a bossy, egotistical, sadistic overlord. This Salem is scaring me. It was really creeping me out.

"Oh! Amatheia, just the mermaid I wanted to see. Would you please re consider singing for me this evening?" Salem asked quickly glancing at me, then going back to playing with Quill.

I thought about it, I wonder if I have enough power to lull them into my spell? If I didn't, it'd be a waste of my power, but will I get another chance? The odds were against another chance like this happening again, so I guess I don't really have another option.

I nodded my head, quickly getting up.

"Excellent! I'll meet you in the dining hall in an hour." He nodded a good bye, before leaving with Quill.

I smiled, and if people were to see it, they'd probably say it was more of a smirk. Maybe I'd finally be able to get out of here, my hopes were soaring. I did a little happy dance, throwing my hands up in the air dancing. One thing that was still a major problem, how would I get my tail back?

An hour had passed, so I made my way down to the dining hall, getting lost a few times, only to be directed in the right direction by the staff. I walked in keeping my head high, as I walked by the table towards the small stage, I overheard part of there conversation.

"Did you know that the colors of Hydrangeas are affected by the aluminum ions in the soil? Hydrangeas are quite interesting, they can also grow about any where." Salem was talking about flowers with such passion.

He just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the second. I quickly shake my head, and make my way the the little stage.

"Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep." Within the first seconds of singing, everyone is entranced in my song.

"Guileless son, I'll shape your belief
And you'll always know that your father's a thief
And you won't understand the cause of your grief
But you'll always follow the voices beneath." Everyone's eyes start to glaze over as my spell takes hold of there souls.

"Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me." Shoulders slack as I continue.

"Guileless son, your spirit will hate her
The flower who married my brother the traitor
And you will expose his puppeteer behavior
For you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty."  The air turns cold, the sun disappearing behind storm clouds.

"Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me." The waves crashing against the cliffs can now be heard.

"Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep."

"Guileless son, each day you grow older
Each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold
For the child of my body, the flesh of my soul
Will die in returning the birthright he stole."

"Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me."

"Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep." I smile as everyone in the room was completely under my spell.

I quickly start running, trying my best to navigate the maze they call a house. After a few minutes I find a door leading outside.

You know the dreams where you're trying to get to the door at the end, but the faster you go, the further it gets from you?

I feel defeated as I see a hand slam the door shut before I can make my way out. I turn to see a really dazed Salem. How did he break from my spell so fast? I thought it would at least last 20 minutes.

"That's enough. Please go to your room until everything is sorted. I will send someone to get you once I figure out what to do with you." He slowly walks off, holding his head, if I tried, I'd probably be able to get away. He seems weakened, so at least I know my spell had some effect on him.

"If you run I wouldn't be able to catch you in the condition I'm in. So if you really want to go, go. I won't stop you again." Salem turns just enough, his blonde hair falling in front of his dark eyes.

We stared for a second, before I quickly bolted, making my way towards the cliffs. But right before I jumped, I stopped.

How in Poseidon name am I going to get home?

"AMATHEIA!" It couldn't be, I'm surly to far away from home for him to be here?

Find out what happens to Amtheia next time, thanks for reading! 💕

And this chapter is a special thank you to Dinja14 , thank you for your nice message!

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