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I am about 1 1/2 months pregnant and still have not told Levi. There have been a little growth but knot a lot to tell. Hanji has kept her mouth shut and I am still in training.

Hanji has been trying to convince me to go on and tell him. I told her I will tell him after the up coming expedition. She was against the idea since she has to stay at HQ.

*Time Skip to the expedition*

I was in Squad Levi and I had to use the bathroom, that was the first part of the plan. I knew they where going to keep moving and atleast send 1 other soldier with me.

I got to that part and it is going great so far, now it is time for the hard part.

I already had a pep talk to my horse who was really smart. She knew the plan and with some talking I finally got her to do it 1 day before the expedition.

She was going to distract the soldier while I use my gear to get away.

She started to run and on instinct the soldier went after her to retrieve the horse. I had my chance and took it. I did not know where I was going but all I knew was my child was not going to live inside the walls with nothing to do.

"I'm sorry Levi, I had to do it"

Levi x Reader We meet again Where stories live. Discover now