Back to the Walls we go

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After Levi and Kai met I told Levi about him. He was completely shocked he thought his only child had died with the person he loved more than cleaning.

Hanji ended up telling everyone that you where pregnant with Levi's kid and was going to tell you after the expedition.

He thought it was his fault and became distance and soon got over it after 6 months because Hanji started distracting him with things other than paperwork.

The only thing you did not tell Levi was today was Kai's birthday. August 14. 

Soon you to caught up on life and how you did not want to be in the walls. So when the Titan are extinct. They will live outside the walls.

Then you told him the day you meat Kai was his birthday. He was shocked then he got serious.

"Please don't leave me again" then once Kai was asleep. Levi did the same thing that made you leave but this time he made sure to keep and eye on you.

*time skip*

You had a second son. Daniel Jacy Ackerman. You loved getting to spend Daniels life with you husband Levi. Something Kai unfortunately did not get, till his 7th Birthday, living with daddy.

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