7 years later {Part 2/2}

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It is around mid day and all of a sudden the ground started shaking. I ran outside and saw a Titan and I went to get Cathy and the kids from inside and we all went to the secret tunnel I made under the house for emergencies.

I got them all down there and waited in the dark room till we no longer heard screams. I waited about an hour then decided to get out and look around. I told them to stay and when I got out and to the door that leads outside i heard voices.

"Check the place for survivors" this voice sounded like I heard it before just where.

I was leaning against the door and it fell from the pressure I was putting on it.

Then I could feel eyes on me as I looked up to see the people I thought I would have never seen again.

I quickly looked back down so they could not study my face. Then I got up and ran back in the house away from the tunnel.

I was quickly caught and brought back outside and thrown on the floor on my back.

I kept my eyes closed so I did not have to see the people.

"(F-f/n)" is all I heard before being trampled in to a hug. I finally opened my eyes and saw Levi hugging me with tears in his eyes.

"Mommy, who are these people?" You looked back to the house to see your son, Cathy and James in the door way.

With everyone's eyes in shook you finally looked back to see others. Then you saw Hanji, she was on her knees crying into here hands.

"Hanji" you said, she must have heard you because she looked up and then ran to you in a tight hug.

"(F/n) why did you make use think you died and just left." Hanji asked you as she slowly looked over to the confused mini Levi. "Is that Mini Levi over there." Hanji asked making everyone look and the kid who called you mommy. "Yes, Hanji, yes he is"

I felt Levi finally let me go and had a shocked look on his face. "What mini Levi" he said looking over at Kai who looked like him. "I really am a father? I thought he died with you (f/n)"

You then got up and walked over to Kai and told him something I thought I never had to tell him. "Kai, sweet-cheeks, the short man over there is your father."

He then looked over at Levi and mumbled

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