Part 1: Chapter 1

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"Humans are coming", Igor warns me. 

I immediately take out the fire and kick the remains away. I listen around for any unusual sounds that the humans make. I whistle for Cory and jump on his shoulder as he runs by. He runs toward the valley where the humans come from. 

I growl loudly to signal him to stop as we reach the tree line. I see the humans as they make headway into the valley. I don't understand why they keep coming back. Their human comrades' die, but they always come back with more food for the Titans. 

"Just how many times can a human reproduce?" I thought annoyed. 

Cory says hungrily, "Eat humans."

I roll my eyes and jump off of him, grabbing onto a tree branch. He runs off and I pull myself up to stand. I see Blank Face kill Cory and I sigh, Cory should've known he would be killed. I jump off the tree and dash toward my cave. 

I see Donald stare at me as I run past him before he starts charging at me. Donald has tried to eat me so many times, but he never succeeded. I run faster before jumping onto a high tree branch. I hear him say, "Eat Little..."

I growl loudly as I take out my knife that is tied on my back. I climb higher before jumping off to slice Donald's nape. I hear more Titans coming and I run away from the scene. The Titans don't like it when I kill one of them. 

I know that they're afraid that I'll turn into one of them. I'll never into a human though, they're the monsters. I stop running when I heard hooves hitting against the ground. "Humans", I thought fearfully. 

I crouch down before shooting upward to the tree. I made it just in time to see the humans as they pass by. I see that symbol on their back and thought curiously, "I wonder what that thing represents since they always have it on them?" 

I see Eyebrows ride up and he yells, "Who killed a Titan?"

The humans murmur quietly and look at each other in confusion. Eyebrows narrow his eyes and warns, "Whoever went running off better not do it again. We can't lose anyone else. Now let's head to base camp!"

"What's a base camp?" I thought curiously. Even though, I'm scared of humans. I find them strange and interesting, but I wouldn't try to go near them. They look a lot like me but I'm different. I'm stronger than any of those humans. 

I sigh in relief when they leave, heading toward their base camp. I suddenly hear thumps that sound familiar. I look to find Pops coming toward me. I look down in shame as I knew he was disappointed in me for killing Donald. Instead of scolding me, he orders, "Come watch humans."

I look at him in surprise before quickly jumping onto his shoulder. He starts running and I hold on for dear life as he picks up speed. When he finally stops, I open my eyes and in the distance, I see the humans do the same thing they have always down when they get to that building. I see Scarf Girl and Sea Boy are helping out. 

Blank Face is watching over them as always and Wild Girl is bothering him about something. Pops asks, "Want to become human?"

I shake my head rapidly. "No! They kill Titans for fun!"

"Would become human?" Pops asked. 

I stay quiet and watch the humans. I'm scared of the humans. I just like watching them, not actually be one of them. I answer, "No. They won't accept me."

We stayed silent as we watch the humans scurry around. 


Armin asks me, "Eren do you see the Titan hiding in the trees?"

I look at him confused and he motions his head toward the trees. It took me awhile before I finally saw it. It's just standing there watching us. I asked out loud, "Why hasn't it attack us yet?"

Levi said calculating, "I have no idea. It's been watching us for three hours straight. It's probably an abnormal."

Hanji asks excitedly, "Can we catch it?"

Mikasa proposed, "We should wait and see what it does. We can't scare it off, Hanji."

I said absently, "The sun's going down. Doesn't the sun light affect them?"

Connie suddenly exclaims, 'Look it's gone!" 

We all look at where the Titan is, but it's gone. "Where did it go?" I thought frantically. 

Levi said blankly, "It probably went to sleep. It can't sleep with Hanji around."

Hanji whines, "You're so mean!"

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