Steve Rogers - Tests

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New book! This is the first chapter of my Avengers Imagines. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to vote!
(Also, in this book the reader has an invisibility power, and Natasha is training the reader to use it to their advantage.)

You were sitting in the living with Thor, Tony and Natasha watching some weird French rom-com that came on. Dr.Banner came into the room and shyly asked to see you in the kitchen.

"What do you need?" You kindly ask.

"Well, remember when you told me that you can't help it when you turn invisible? I think I've got it figured out why but I'll need to run some quick cardiovascular and immune system tests. They won't affect you, I just need to confirm my theory..."

"I'll be glad to do it. Lead the way!"

When you and Bruce make it to the lab, he immediately starts to hook you up to the machines.

"So what exactly do you need to do?" You ask, getting nervous from the amount of machines in the room.

Bruce looks up, and smiles from the worried look on your face. "Don't worry, I just need to take some blood and run some brain scans."

As you watched the blood from your arm through a tube into a machine that Bruce was observing, Steve bursts into the room and yells; "WHAT IN TARNATION IS GOING ON IN HERE?"

Your and Bruce's heads immediately snap up, all eyes on your boyfriend.

"(Y/N)! What is Banner doing to you?" Steve yelled, looking twice as worried as you did when he saw all the machines you're hooked up to.

"No! Steve-" You tried to explain, but Steve cut you off.

"Banner, I thought I could trust you!" Your visibility started to flicker from the amount of tension in the room.

"Steve, you don't unders-"

"No, (Y/N), I need to get out out of here! I-" You noticed Banner starting to stress out, small green blotches forming on his skin. You realized what danger you were in, and that you had to stop your raging boyfriend.

"STEVE!" He stopped and looked at you, surprised that you raised your voice so much. "It's okay! Bruce is just trying to figure out why I can't control my visibility!" You glanced at the doctor, and he's taking deep breaths trying to calm himself. The green skin slowly retreats, and Bruce leaves the room. "I'm sorry, Steve, for yelling. I needed to stop you because Bruce was starting to change. He was just going to run some tests to see why I can't control my powers!" As soon as you finished, you involuntary turned invisible.

"No, (Y/N), I'm sorry. I just got scared for you because I'm not used to all of Bruce's machines and technology. You know, I'm like 90 years old," Steve says, pulling you into a hug.

Wow that was stressful to write. I was freakin out for Bruce. Anyways make it a great day and I'll update again soon.


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