Thor Odinson - Breakfast

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[this short takes place in the Avengers tower, the reader is an Avenger and has their invisibility powers]

"Hey, Lady (Y/N), the best of the morning to you! Wake up!" You groan, turning over in your bed to see your boyfriend, Thor leaning over you. "Hey sleepy head. Let us go get breakfast started for the rest of our fellow Avengers."

You smirk, using your powers to hide from him. Melting from his view, you get out of bed and start to change. You can see Thor smile out of the corner of your eye, even though you know he can't see you.

"Just meet me in the kitchen." You say, pulling an oversized sweatshirt over your invisible body. Thor nods and exits your room, excusing himself.

When you make it to the kitchen, Thor is already pulling out the mixing bowl and ingredients.

"So what are we making this morning?" You ask, sitting on the kitchen counter, your visibility flickering.

"Waffles!" Thor says excitedly, bouncing up and down and shaking the floor. He sees you yawning, and walks over to you, planting a small sweet kiss on your forehead. "Lady (Y/N), shall we mix the batter?"

"Yes," You say, grinning while you disappear. Thor is looking around wildly, as he's still not used to your new found power. You grab the flour and start to measure it out, and laugh when you see Thor looking at you, or rather, the floating flour and cup, with a confused face on. You turn back visible and say,

"Ah, sorry. Sometimes I can't control it. It gets kinda annoying, like I'm talking to someone and I turn invisible, but I only notice when they look at me funny. I wish I could control it." You say, setting down the flour as you turn invisible again for a few seconds.

Thor walks over to you, pulling you into a big bear hug.

"I love you the way you are, lady (Y/N)." He whispers into your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.

"I love you too," You say as you kiss his chin, since that's as high as you can reach. You can feel his body shake as he chuckles. Looking down at you, he picks you up and twirls you around before setting your small stature on the counter.

"Okay," You say, grabbing the recipe. "We need three cups of milk."

Thor smiles, thinking I sure am lucky to have (Y/N).

I dunno why I always end in thoughts. I guess it's more aesthetic. Anyways hope you liked it!

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