Skinny dipping? (Soft J)

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You and the Joker have a very close relationship, your not dating but constantly flirting with each other. You guys were texting about making plans for tomorrow.

-J: I have an idea!
-Y/N: oh god what is it? Calm down its actually a good one.
-Y/N: Well get on with it then.
-J: Well its more of a surprise but all I can tell you is to have your bathing suit with you, but your birthday suit works too. ;)
-Y/N: you'd like that wouldn't you?
-J: Very much so. ;)
-J/N: Maybe who knows... I might just surprise you.
-J: Don't be a tease. Lol
-Y/N: oh Im sorry I forget how easily turned on you are.
-J: hilarious!
-Y/N: I learn from the best J. Byeee :*
-J: be ready at 1pm.

You were excited about tomorrow so you planned your outfit for tomorrow and decided to were a bikini that showed off a lot to tease him. You through on your PJ's and hopped into bed and you quickly doze off thinking of what might happen tomorrow.

You woke up to your alarm blaring, you shift your body off the bed and make your way to the bathroom. You take a shower and blow dry your hair leaving it down in your natural hair. You throw your bathing suit on and then your clothes, you decided to not wear any makeup since your obviously gonna swim. You grab your bag that has your towel, phone and extra clothes.

You walk to the living and wait for J to text. A few moments later you get a text that he's outside waiting. You grab your stuff, slip your shoes on and head out the door, you hop into his purple sports car and he drives off.

"Where's your stuff?" You ask noticing he's not wearing any swimming shorts. "Huh?" He questions "Your swimming stuff." You state "Oh back there there." He says pointing to the back with his thumb "Loser." You scoff "Brat." He replies "Bitch." You laugh "Cunt." He smiles "Im about to say J." You warn "Go ahead take your best shot." He laughs "Fuck tard." You smirk "Ouch. That stung, got any more harsh digs?" He says dramatically putting his hand over his heart. "Can't say cause they might make you cry." You say crossing your arms "Oh whatever." He laughs

You notice the only thing surrounding you is trees, you have no idea where you are or where your going anymore. "Is this the part where you kill me?" You ask smirking "Yup. I already have a hole dug up for you." He says sarcastically "Im so scared. Please don't kill me Im to young to die." You fake plead "Sorry toots its to late now." He laughs "Where the hell are we?" You question he pulls into parking lot thats by a bathroom stop. "Were here." He says getting out of the car "There's no pool." You say giving a weird look. He grabs his bag and begins walking towards the forest "You coming?" He asks

You've been walking for 5 minutes now through the forest "J how much longer?" You whine "Not that long. Its just right there." he says pointing out into that distance, you squint your eyes and you see a lake. You finally get there and you drop your stuff.

"How'd you find this place?" You ask "Sometimes I dump bodies over here." He says straight faced "J!" You scream "Im kidding...... Kind of." He laughs. You cross your arms and lift your eyebrow "Not in the water like in the forest." He says Unbuttoning his shirt "Yuck!" You say taking your shirt off, he laughs and slips his pants off he's left in his silky red boxers. "I have an idea." He says smirking "No." You say taking your pants off leaving you left in your bikini "You haven't heard me out." He says "Because I know your gonna say." You say putting your hand on your hip "Oh really? What is I wanna say then?" He says crossing his arms "K well I don't exactly know but I know it something dirty. I can tell by the way your smiling." You say pointing your finger "True. I was gonna say we should skinny dipping." He smirks "Nope." You say shaking your head "Oh c'mon it won't be that bad. I swear no one is gonna see you except possibly me." He says trying to convince you.

Well its not like he hasn't seen your boobs before not on purpose, at least thats what he said. "Fine. But you can't look until Im fully in water." You say "Okay." He smirks slipping his boxers off, you see his member for the first time you gasp quickly turning around "Your horrible!" You shout "Calm down." He laughs "Just go in the water and don't look at me." You say to him.

You hear him walk into the water and you slowly turn around and see he's fully covered by the water. "Turn around." You say smirking, he smirks before turning around. You quickly take your bikini off and you hug yourself walking into water "Oh my god, it's freezing." You say getting closer to J, you stop hugging yourself now that your fully in the water. "Its not that bad." He says smiling as he gets closer towards you, your chests are so close together but he leaves enough room so your boobs aren't pressed against him. "How many girls have you brought here?" You ask "Just you." He smiles "Huh." You say slipping your arms around his neck "Don't." He says looking deep into your eyes "J all you do is push me away, why are you so scared to be in relationship?" You say "..... Because I don't want to hurt you...." He says looking away "Your not going to." You smile, he turns back to you "You don't get it... You don't wanna be with me." He says "Yes I do... J I've known you for so long and... I think I love you." You say letting go of him.

"You can't love me... Im a monster." He says, you look into his eyes and see sadness his blue eyes that shine from the glimpse of the water "Your not a monster J, your beautiful to me. You make me feel amazing. Every time you smile my heart flutters, every time you call me a cute nick name I feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach and every time you hug me I just wanna kiss you. I just want you-" you get cut of by J "to be mine." He says swimming closer towards you, he slips his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him "I love you too." He whispers into your ear, you wrap your arms around his neck. You looked into his eyes and then to his lips and right then and there....

You kissed him. He kissed back and it was lusty passionate kiss. You pull back resting your forehead on his "It took you long enough." You laugh "I love you." He smiles "And I love you." You say looking into his eyes.

A/N: Sorry I haven't written for two days I've been really busy with some stuff I can't really talk about. But to say sorry I wrote an extra long Imagine/Fan fiction. Let me know if you liked it. (((:

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