You're crazy too. Part 2

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Don't mind the song its a just a random.

Its been 3 days since you last talked to J, so far this co-leader thing isn't working out.

Your debating whether or not you should just go back to being solo or give it another shot.
You were always better on your own even when you were a kid, you just always felt better being alone. You didn't like getting close to anyone, the only people you talk to are your parents and a girl you used to work with.

You rolled out of bed and got out of your PJ's. You grabbed your phone, keys and your shiny pink gun.

You started driving over to J's to sort things out.

You pulled into the driveway and walked up tot the doorway, that had been fixed. Since you didn't want a repeat on what happened last time you decided to knock.

You see a tall dude in all black, he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. "Yes?" He asks in a low voice "Im here to talk to J." You reply crossing your arms. He moved a bit to the side gesturing for you to walk in.

You sat down on a leather couch crossing your legs "Would you like something to drink?" The tall guy asked "No." You say shaking your head "But I would like your name." You smile "Sam." He he says lifting his head up slightly "And you are?" He questions "Y/N also knows as Little Bunny." You smirk "Well Y/N, I must say you are incredible. A solo artist who has never yet been caught, Im impressed." He smiles "Thank you." You blush.

"Sam! I didn't hire you to flirt with people I hired you to because of your remarkable strength and your smartness. Now please be smart AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" You hear J scream "Yes sir." Sam replies with his head down "God J, do you have to be such an ass?" You question "You're one to talk Y/N, didn't you break down my door and throw a fucking Sleep grenade." He states.

"Alright I admit it I was a bit of an asshole but thats not why Im here. Incase you forgot we are co-leaders and I need to know some information and who the hell Im working with." You say quickly standing up. J rolls his eyes "If you weren't so damn cute doll, I probably would have already killed you. Follow me." He says walking up the stairs. You don't say anything but follow him.

You walk in a large room with big windows, a desk, couch and giant TV mounted onto the wall. "Woh nice office you got J." You say amazed "Thanks doll, I like to keep it classy." He smiles

"Now business.. Its pretty basic stuff. We work together meaning all of my men which is a total of 25 including me and then your people which at the moment is just you." You nod agreeing with him "I usually work alone. Trust issues." You smile innocently "Understandable but you're gonna have to learn to trust me." He says "I know and Im working on that." You reply "Now I have a gift for you think of it as a welcoming gift for joining OUR team." He says passing you a little box rapped in gold wrapping paper "How thoughtful. Who wrapped it?" You chuckle "Obviously me." He smiles proudly

You unwrap the box and open it, revealing a brand new iPhone 6s+ in the shade RoseGold. "Holy shit J, you realize I already have a phone though right?" You question astonished "This is a business phone. When there's meeting I'll call you on that phone or when we got a job to do." He says sitting on the desk in front of you "Wow. Im impressed do you do this will all the girls J?" You chuckle "Only the ones that stand out to me." He purrs

For some reason J is really turning you on right now. You don't know if you should just try going for it or just leave it alone and deny it.

"There's one other thing," he pauses "I want you to move in. You can have one of the master bedrooms, I think it'll help us feel more comfortable around each other." He says "I don't know, I mean I have an apartment and my hideout. Do I have too or can I just say 'Thanks but not thanks'?" You question "I understand doll but I just thought it'd be a little easier." He says stepping closer to you "I'll think about." You say pressing your body against his.

Your faces were centimetres away from each other it was so tempting to kiss him. "Tell me Y/N. Could you be mad if I said I wanted to kiss you right now?" He asks licking his bottom lip "Kiss me and find out." You say sliding your hands on his waist.

He puts his hands on your jaw and pulls you in. His lips were so smooth and warm, you thought about what it would be like to kiss him but you never imagined for it to be like this. It was lustful and felt delicate as if this was something you'd cherish.

It ends and you open your eyes as you stare into his cold blue eyes. "That was nice.... But it can never happen again." You say walking away  his hand slips away from you and he lets you walk away not saying a word.

You quietly walkout, winking at Sam before you leave and just like that you're gone.

A/N: I know what your about to say "Omg its been years what took so long?!" Sorry. Incase you didn't know School started and Ive been really busy with homework and shit like that but don't worry Im trying to make a full recovery. You know the drill by now so BYEEEE! 💋💋💋😂😂

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