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"Jeonghan!" Mingyu screamed from across the room, his long legs bounding to the boy's seat.

"You're so loud, calm down," Jeonghan smiled and brushed his hair out of his face.

"I have news, though!" Mingyu cheered as he flashed his phone screen at Jeonghan.

"What is this?"

"I got Wonwoo's number!"

Jeonghan gave Mingyu a high five, a dumb plastered to Mingyu's face as he stared at his phone screen.

"It took me three months, but I finally did it,"

"Okay, but when are you going to ask him out?"

Mingyu looked at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, then at Jeonghan, then at his phone, and whispered, "I don't know,"

In that time, Jeonghan decided to braid his hair. When Mingyu spoke, he brushed his hair back again and shook his head at Mingyu.

"Do it now. I heard that he's been looking at Soonyoung recently,"

"What? You're joking!"


Mingyu's mouth was wide open and Jeonghan was about to tell the boy to close his mouth, but the bell rang.

"We'll discuss this later," Mingyu muttered before sulking to his seat.

Jeonghan ran his fingers through his hair and pushed it back, a grinding noise heard behind him. He was momentarily confused until the teacher came into the room.

The grinding noise he heard was Seungcheol's teeth gritting against each other. Three times, Jeonghan's hair was on his desk three times. Two of those times, his hair managed to flick him in the nose. Seungcheol was ready to pound the boy's head into his desk, maybe even rip his hair out of his scalp, had the teacher not walked into the room.

"One day," he thought. "One day, I'll have a pair of scissors with me and chop off your precious locks, you long haired freak,"

HAIR CUT → JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now