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"I cannot stand this anymore!" Seungcheol declared as he sprung out of his chair.

"Calm down! You'll find a solution!" Seokmin tried to calm the angered boy down.

"I thought we were going to switch seat ages ago! Turns out, the teacher has no intention of doing so!" Seungcheol gnawed on his straw angrily.

"Okay, but cutting his hair is not a solution!" Seokmin hissed as he pulled on Seungcheol's arm and forced him to sit down.

"Yes it is," Seungcheol pouted.

"No it is not," Seokmin frowned. "You better not cut his hair,"

"I won't, mom," Seungcheol huffed and turned around in his seat to see that hair once again covered his desk.

Two seconds later, Seokmin was holding back an enraged Seungcheol, who had a pair of scissors in his hands.

"Don't do it!" Seokmin cried.

"I must!" Seungcheol fought Seokmin's grip.

It was a wonder why Jeonghan didn't turn around to see the noises behind him. Turns out he had his earbuds in, which irritated Seungcheol further.

"Seungcheol! I'll buy you anything you want for lunch today if you don't do it!" Seokmin held onto Seungcheol's waist and pulled him away.

"Seriously?" Seungcheol stopped resisting and faced Seokmin.

Seokmin earnestly nodded and Seungcheol grinned.

"Promise? I want sushi today," Seungcheol held out his pinky, and Seokmin was about to cry.

Seungcheol ate infinite plates when it came to sushi.

"Deal," Seokmin whispered. "Rest in peace, my wallet,"

HAIR CUT → JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now