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"You broke your promise," Seokmin shook his head as he iced Seungcheol's face.

"I couldn't help it," Seungcheol muttered as they sat in the nurse's office.

Seungcheol fainted just as Seokmin entered the room. Seokmin ended up having to haul Seungcheol to the nurse's office while earnestly apologizing to Jeonghan.

"Thankfully, I haven't taken you out for sushi yet," Seokmin sighed as he patted his pocket.

His wallet was saved.

"Do you think he's mad?" Seungcheol asked.

Seokmin blankly stared at Seungcheol's face and said, "Idiot,"

"Do you think he's still mad?" Seungcheol rephrased.

"Idiot," Seokmin repeated.

"Well, you screwed up. You might want to apologize to him before you get in big trouble,"

"Right," Seungcheol nodded. "Don't you have his number? You're in chorus together, right?"

Seokmin nodded.

"Give me," Seungcheol reached for Seokmin's pocket, only to get slapped away.

"You should apologize in person, stupid," Seokmin tsked.

"My cheek," Seungcheol wept.

Seokmin slapped the same cheek Seungcheol was punched in.

"Here, ice yourself," Seokmin threw the ice pack at Seungcheol and fished out his phone.

Seungcheol watched as Seokmin texted Seungcheol Jeonghan's number and took out his own phone when he got the text.

"Okay, and one more question" Seungcheol held the ice pack to his face.


"What's his name?"

HAIR CUT → JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now