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mingyu: you sure about this jeonghan?

jeonghan: i must.

mingyu: it's going to take a long time

jeonghan: i have to do this

jeonghan: my precious locks were all chopped off by that rat

"Why do we have to text when I'm right next to you?" Mingyu sighed.

jeonghan: SH


"He won't hear us because he's on the other side of the gym!" Mingyu shrilled.

Jeonghan looked up frantically to see if Seungcheol heard. He was still busy shooting three pointers.

"Jeonghan, you can't do this," Mingyu shook his head.

"Watch me do it," Jeonghan muttered as he put his phone away.

"How on earth do you plan on getting close enough to him to do such a thing to him?" Mingyu asked.

"I will find a way," Jeonghan whispered as he strained to look at the boy playing basketball. "I always find a way,"

Mingyu inhaled sharply as he turned to watch Seungcheol. He did a double take when he saw Wonwoo. He patted Jeonghan's shoulder at light speed, Jeonghan slapping the boy away.

"What?" he scowled.

"He's friends with Wonwoo! Why is Chan there?"

Jeonghan looked over to see Seungcheol surrounded by a group of boys. Just as Mingyu said, Chan and Wonwoo were there talking to Seungcheol. An idea popped into his head as he grinned.

"Why are you grinning like that?" Mingyu asked fearfully.

"I have an idea for my revenge," Jeonghan giggled.

"Count me out," Mingyu shook his head.

"Too bad. You have to help me. You're the only one that can,"

For the first time that year, Mingyu feared that his sanity would edge away thanks to the crazy ideologies of Yoon Jeonghan.

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