Usually, people are expected to wake up to a streak of light through their window, but here in Lunam, the brightness that consumes the sky is usually lightning or the moon, which shines the brightest over our land. Our weather mainly consists of rain, rain, rain, and guess what else! More rain... During the colder months, we get snow.
One may think it is nearly impossible to survive in a climate such as this, but as a matter of fact, this way of life is efficient. The amount of precipitation gives us the ability to grow a variety of exotic and vibrant plants that you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. Also, fireworm dragons are not rare in Lunam. We have many of them because of thier glowing skin, which is efficient in such a dark, murky area.
However, the weather does not compliment the culture of our tribe. Our people are the kindest of the Viking race. We often attract many visiters, and are friendly with many other tribes. Life here is so happy and peaceful, not even a year without sun can cast the slightest shadow of gloom.That is a good way to describe life here in Lunam.
Where Did The Sun Go
FanfictionWhat happens when two best friends, Sunny and Remi, from Lunam meet the land of Berk on the worst day possible? Dragons are being taken, hearts are being broken, and relationships stray blooming like a Camellia.