LOL, no!

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????? Pov. 1 year later....
I walk in, hoody up.
A lady greets me, and demands jn a cheery voice, "Are you hear for the student programme?"
I nod, and she smiles.

She asks, blue eyes gleaming from her slightly tanned complexion, "Are you Vira?"
I correct, "Veera, and yes. What do I do?"

She chirips, to happy for my strong introvert taste, "Walk down the halls untill one calls you. You'll know, just..."
I start my walk down the immaculate isle of poor caged beasts.
All of them fly, some how.

My dad signed me up, figuring it'd be good for me.
I gave up with argue a while back and submitted.

I see dragons, griffions, phoenixes, tigers, and wolves, all larger than life.

Then, I turn to see a pair of glowing eyes.
A voice cracks like a broken radio, "Come."
I go closer, and the glowing eyes turn out to be cat eyes. They're slitted, despite the dark.
It's deep voice suggests male, and his eyes reflect fresh hurt and negelect.
I memorize the stall number.
I go to the front desk, and find the lady.
She hands me the papers with out questions.
She comments, now sounding bored, "Find the key on the wall, and feel free to go in with them if they seem to trust you."
I grab the papers, suddenly eager to get back to the strange beast who chose me.
I'm never this happy.

I fill them out quickly.
Age. 14. Name Veera. Stall no. 67. Gender. Female. Animals' gender. Male?

I find the keys shaped like a skull and crossbones labelled 67.

I walk down the isle, hidding the keys in my hoody.
For some reason, multipule locks held the poor boy in. Most dragons only had one, but oh well.
LIFE needs a bit of adventure.

I grab the first lock, and unlock the locks.
Then, I realize that the locks are getting stiffer.
I click open the last one, and grab the papers on the poor guy from the door.
I ask, "Do you trust me?"
He whispers, "Why wouldn't I?"
I walk in, and shut the door behind me.
I drop the bolt.
It bangs shut, and the beast seems content.
It rubs on my legs, and I find a pull light.
I pull the chain, and the beast roars in quiet anguish.
It covers his eyes, then looks at me.
I smile.

I comment, "Your kinda handsome, you know?"

He seems stunned by my comment.

He whispers, "No one has ever complimented me before."

I never heard this, and sit on a bench in the stall.
He leaps up too, and the bench creaks a warning.

He lays on my lap, like a big dog.

He seems so nice, and I wonder why he's kept soo confined.
I read his progress log for last month:

He has his fur back, but it's dirty and matted.
It's that dark blue to the point of being almost black.
It also continues up the bone and joint areas of the huge wings.
His muscles have formed well, and I can see he has dragon muscles.
Unfortunately, we all know how strong dragons are.
He is the worst beast I've eved had to deal with.

A bunch of exclamations echo in the hall, and my friend raises his head and flattens his ears.

He snarls, "Go away! Your not taking my friend away! She's the onky nice person I've ever...."

A whip snaps from somewhere.

He snarls.
I stroke him.

The lady from before looks into the now bright stall.
She screams in alarm.
My friend growls, unsure what to do with her screaming.
She tells me he eats people, and to get out.
She waves a small bite mark in front of the cage blabbering on about how he's a murderer and kills.
I ask, "Then why did he call me?"
I scratch a rough patch between his unique and cool blueish black scaley spines.
Then, to my disturbed disgust, I cry out in distaste.
A redish black substance is all over his fur, and me.
It reminds me of dried blood and mud.
I reach between the bars, and grab the leash.

I ask in a soothing tone, "Will you trust me to take what ever this vile stuff off?"
He begs, "Yes! Just take these cords off."
The lady screams some more as he comes off the cross ties.
He flattens his ears in agressive fear.
I growl, "Your scarring him! Stop it!"
She demands, hurt, "Me scare it? You'll see what it's like when he's out in the real world. I'm only a trainee, but even I know not to look at occupant 67."
I undo the bolt, and the lady runs into an office, and evacuates the once busy halls.
He looks at me, and pulls lightly.
I smile, and open the door.
The other beasts roar in anger and fear when I walk out with my friend.

I ask him, "What's your name?"

He replies, "Delta, but I beg you to change it."

I ask, "What happened to you?"
He snuffs.

He growls, "I was supposed to be this super-chic, super animal as a result of strange breeding methods. I looked wrong, compared to my allegid beautiful siblings. I was thrown into the streets outside the lab. I landed in a puddle, and managed to survive off meats instead of moms' nutrients until a wolf pack adopted me."

I nod, a tear falling.

I tell him, "I have a suprise for you after we bathe you, okay?"
He nods, concern all over his oddly handsome face. Even with he bloody mud.

I see a sign, and open the door and lock it behind us.

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