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I trot out of the Baptist Church, and Geode follows me out.

He sighs, and shakes his shocking coat.

A small girl stops us, and her mom asks, "What type of animal is he? He's very beautiful."
I nod, and smile.
I reply, "Thank you. He's a bit of a hybrid lab experiment. He's the only one left thus far. Aren't you bud?"
He works his wolfy jaws, and nods.
He replies, looking up at the people, "She's right. The lab who bred me worked illegally. They were shut down and J was thrown into the woods by an angry lab worker."

The mom is now intriqued.
She asks, "How did a stable find you?"

He smiles, and comment, "Well, I shredded some garbage. The shop owner thought I was a stray dog until he found a small tuft of my fur. Then, he simply called animal control and they brought me to the stable. Unfortunately, I'm wasn't too friendly to those stable hands. But then I found Veera, and I turned my agression around."

The woman asks, "What stables are you from? Nanor? Linlon?"

I reply, "Serpentine. One of the best, but the dorm buildings are creepy Af."

She nods, and writes the name down.

She thanks us, and scurries off to collect her run-away four year old.

I stroke Geode, and we keep walking down the cement path to the street and back to the stables a mile down.

I go to start running, but somebody stops me.
Geode sits down.
Then he sees the mans' white coat.
I grab his harness, and hold on tightly.
I warn the man, while apologizing, "Sorry. He hates white clothes. Please, for your safety, back up."
Geode settles down when he backs away.
The man asks, "Why does he hate white coats?"

I spill Geodes' sob story, and he nods.

He smiles, and comments, "I remember reading about the police busting an illegal mutant lab. They said one got loose and the others were found dead. Then, years later, they found it and they put it in Serpentine about a year ago. That wouldn't happen to be him, would it?"

I nod, and Geode looks at me reproachfully.

He shoots me a message.
It says, "Get back. Back up! Back Up!"

I go to ask why, when a bag is over my head.
I notice it all over my body, and drop the leash on purpose.

Geode leaps onto the man, and gruesome sounds come from outside the bag.
It's over my feet, and Geode accidentally knocks me on my side.

The woman from before is hurrying her child away.

Many parents have left.

The priest, Pastor Helpoki, cries, "What is going on outside my church? A kidnapping? An attack on one of us? 911? Hello?"
Then, he walks away.
I try to burst the bag, but I soon hear Geode chewing on the whicker at the end of the bag.
I sigh with relief and relax.
Then, after what feels like hours, police arrive.
The pastor explains what he saw from his study.
I sigh with relief, until I hear Geodes' unique growl and feel him over top of me.
I tell him to get off, but he never does.

The chief of Police is the only one allowed remotely close.
But when he draws his knife to cut the bag, Geode chases him away.
I scream on a crazy instinct, "GEODE! DUCK!"
He can't react in time, and he collapses from a tranquilizing dart.

I fight the bag, and the sound of a knife only speeds my frantic hurry.
My heart races, and I push and strain to be free again.

Suddenly, the burlap sack is gone and the world is no longer black.
I cover my eyes.
The pastor is staring at Geode in shock.
He asks me, voice quaking, "Is this Geode yours?"
I nod, gathering my head again.
Then, I notice something isn't right at all.

I look around, and see that everything is yellow and red instead of normal colours for a wooded area.

I look to Geode, and see he's green.
I rub my head, and it begins to hurt really bad.

Geode stands up in a flash, and the dart sticks out of his haunches as it drains.
He runs to me, and I sit down again.
Wait, I was standing?

I'm suddenly laying down, with Geode on top of me.

Then, I blank out completely.

Serpentine StablesWhere stories live. Discover now