Author/Character Q&A!

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Okay, here's the different fonts for each person;

Bold is Adam and Cloudy(me).

Italics is Nick and Ezra

Bold & italics is K.C. and Cory

Cloudy: Hey guys, Cloudy's back, and today I'm going to be doing the Q&A! Yay! So, first, everyone's gonna say hi!

Adam: Sup.

K.C.: Hello!

Nick: Hi everyone!

Cory: Hi guys!

Ezra: H-hi..... (Oh my gosh, there's so many people!)

Cloudy: Alright, let's continue onto the questions!

Zena: So TerribleIrony asks;

"Cory, are you top or bottom?"

Cory: Uh, I don't know, ask Cloudy, he thinks and dreams of this crap


Cloudy: Ha ha, very funny. Next question, Irony asks;

"Nick, What is your favorite thing about Cory?"

Nick: Well.... There are a lot of things I like about Cory. My favorite has to be.... His laugh. It's just... I don't know how to explain it. It sounds like music to my ears.

Cloudy: Aw, that's so sweet! Up next, Irony asks;

"Cloudy, where does your name originate from?"

Cloudy: I mean... I just kinda wanted to come up with something cute. Turns out being the King of the Clouds was cute enough while still being masculine. Hope this answered your question correctly. Next, that_evil_toast asks;

"Can I have some cheese?"

Adam: I don't care.
K.C.: Same. Don't care.
Nick: Sure, go ahead!
Ezra: G-go on ah-head, I don't m-mind.
Cory: Uh.... Sure?
Cloudy: Knock yaself out, kiddo.

Cloudy: The next question, Zombi_Sarai asks;

"Why are you so amazing?"

Cloudy: Because I can get down with mah bad sef! No, honestly, I'm not that amazing. But thank you for you thoughts about me! I really appreciate that! Next up, xXRZviperxXx asks;

"Cory and Nick, Who is the better kisser?"

Nick: Um.... I don't know. Cory seems a lot better at it than me.

Cory: Obviously, Nick is. I suck at kissing! Nick is just so normal with it. I cannot believe how amazing he is....

Cloudy: Well.... That was.... Interesting. Viper also asks;

"Cory, why are you so sarcastic all the time in your videos?"

Cory: Well, I just think that's my native tongue. But seriously though, 1) My viewers love it, 2) I feel more comfortable being sarcastic, and 3) I just can't shut my mouth when there is sarcasm to be had.

Cory: For example; Someone calls Nick, Ezra, Cloudy, or K.C. a bitch, I tell them to say it again, if they do, I say, "Exactly. Bitches do as they're told." It's just my human nature. Plus, I don't worry about Adam getting called this, because he will just beat the living shit out of them.

Cloudy: I can't blame you Cory. But anyways, next up, Viper asks;

"K.C., how hard do you ship Cory and Nick?"

K.C.: Oh, I ship it like FedEx. I ship it harder than metal. Harder than Vibranium (the metal Captain Murica's shied is made out of). I SHIP IT HARDER THAN ADORY. That's saying a lot.


Cory: If I could, I'd snipe you.

Cloudy: Thanks for the laugh, Vipe. Anyways, that's all the questions for today, sorry Ezra that you didn't get to answer any of them.

Ezra: Honestly, Cloudy.... If I was going to be asked stuff like this, I probably wouldn't want to answer it anyways.

Cloudy: PFFFFT! *starts dying of laughter*

Adam: I'll finish this up for him.

Adam: That's all we have for you readers today, if you liked this little session and you want more, comment below, and if we get to 10 votes-

Ezra: *shakes her head*

Adam: No? Alright, then what do you think should be the goal? *picks her up*

Ezra: 20 votes and we'll make another one! BYE SUBSCRIBLENAUTS!!!!!!

Nick: Bye!

Cory: Later.

K.C.: Peace out!

Cloudy: *still laughing* Bye, guys.

Adam & Ezra: Bye Bye!!!!

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