!Hybrid! Cory x Nick & K.C. x Adam: Buddies |Sweet|

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"Cory, where are you?" The blonde heard his green eyed friend whisper in the dark of the woods. Him and three of his friends were running from their classic bullies.

Chuck, Vernon, and Frank. The four friends could hear their screams in hate and threats coming towards them. Cory wanted nothing more than to escape the three wolf hybrids. The blonde cat hybrid feared for his friends. Adam, the fox hybrid, was out in the open, trying to find a place to hide. Hearing shouts, he scurried over to a different hiding place. His black ears peaking out of a bush he was hiding behind.

Nick, the bunny hybrid, was sticking by his sibling's side, K.C.. They were a bunny hybrid too, just with dark gray ears. and they were the only two of their hybrid. Their ears looked like squirrel tails, so they climbed up a tree and stuck them out of the leaves. Nick was in behind the trunk next to the tree they were in. The crunching leaves under the bully's feet were getting closer to Cory and the fallen tree he was hiding under. "Come out come out wherever you are, Nicky~" one said. "Oh, fox boy, where's your inferior tail at?" Cory tried to hold in a gasp. Why Nick? Why Adam? Hearing rustling, he heard the bully's footsteps walk towards the bush he saw Adam slide under. Then, he heard a yelp.

"ADAM!" He started looking up, seeing that K.C. sprung out of the tree. He came out of his hiding spot, Nick trembling beside the blonde. The sugar gray Bunny hybrid looked like they were ready to kick the two holding their green eyed friend down. The leader, Frank, decided he'd deal with them on his own.

Cory was scared for dear life. Now, you have to remember, Cory and Nick were at least in 7th grade, Adam and K.C. being in 8th, and the four being good kids, straight A students, and very kind. The reason they were being bullied, no one really knew. But, one thing was for certain;

They were gonna get jacked up.

"You let him go OR ELSE." K.C.'s eyes were filled with fury and fiery hatred. "Ha! What's a puny rabbit like you gonna do to a guy like me, huh? Oh, you gonna, nibble on my arm with your tiny bunny teeth?" "H-hey, l-leave them alone, y-you-" Nick stuttered before he was cut off by Chuck coming up behind him. "H-hey, let me go!" Cory hissed towards the fat wolf hybrid. Cory faced Nick and Chuck, while his 8th grade friend burned holes into Vernon and Frank's skin. "We don't want to fight! Just let us leave!" The blonde cat tried to compromise, but just met with Nick's ear being tugged.

"O-ow! S-stop it!" "Leave us alone NOW!" K.C. sprung at Chuck, tackling him and Nick to the ground. They had gotten Nick out of the heap, but then was met with a pocket knife to their cheek. They screamed, and the bunny and cat heard a yell. A yell they'd never heard before. "YOU'LL REGRET THAT!" Adam turned into his fox form, which was almost the size of a wolf. He knocked Vernon off himself, sprinting towards the injured K.C. and fat warthog Chuck. The two started growling and yelling, both in their true forms, clawing and biting at each other's fur.

Cory was contemplating whether to help Adam or protect Nick. He chose Nick, because he wanted him to be more safe. Plus, Adam could hold his own weight, he'd be fine. Then, Frank lunged at Cory, knocking him onto the ground and tearing at his skin. Cory's screams of pain filled the air. The friends were being beaten.

But their savior arrived.

With a large howl, and a well placed footing, a large black wolf sprung from the darkness, scaring the other noticeably smaller wolves off the friends. As the four gathered together, K.C. held up an injured Adam, and Nick wrapping the blonde cat's arm around his neck, the black wolf growled at the other three. "Leave. Before I get your parents." Cory remembered that exact voice from somewhere. It was a senior in high school. The three gray wolves limped away into the darkness, disappearing from view. The one who had shifted into animal form to save the 7th and 8th graders asses was now in human form. Cory knew exactly who this mysterious black wolf was.

"Gene?!?" K.C. and Nick asked at the same time. Gene was a helper at the middle school, and apparently the hottest student teacher in their school. Even K.C., who was my much of a madly in love kid, thought he was cute. Cory had to admit, Gene was pretty attractive.

"I'll take him off your hands." Gene walked over to K.C., taking the boy in his arms. Adam shifted. He was bruised and cut up from fighting. "You owe me big time now, Adam." He chuckled. Adam just groaned in reply. "Cmon, let's get to mom before we both get in trouble." Gene smiled at the three others. "Anything you wanna say to my baby brother while he can't make remarks?" Gene said sarcastically. "Well, there's something I'd like to do," K.C. walked over to Adam and placed a kiss on his nose. "And hopefully, you won't remember a thing." They winked before walking back to their original standing spot. "Well, just tell me if you even need someone's butt kicked. See you guys on Monday." Gene shifted with Adam, wolf Gene caring the fox by the scruff of his neck and running of into the woods. Nick and Cory were dumbfounded by what K.C. did.

"What? At least I have the guts to do it. Now, Nick. You've got something to say to Cory." The blonde was speechless, but also confused. Nick started to twirl his finger in his hair. "Th-thank you.... F-for helping me..." He looked like he got pushed by a certain someone. K.C. was trying to get them together! They transformed into a bunny, hopping up onto a small hill. Nick and Cory were both under each other's spell. "Cmon, I don't got all night, y'know." They urged from their little 'king of the hill' slope. Nick looked up at the blonde quickly pecking him on the lips. Cory was surprised, the brunette soon regretting his decision. "S-s-s-shoot! S-sorry, C-" Nick was shut down with another heart melting kiss. Cory pressed his lips to the brunette's, cupping his face while doing so.

He had wrapped his tail around Nick's back, pulling him close. Their noses touched, both red faced and smiling. They rubbed each other's noses, not even thinking about K.C. sitting on the hill, covering their right eye with her paw. The 7th graders both had their first kiss. "I-I like you, C-Cory..." The blonde heard his slightly shorter bunny hybrid friend whisper. He whispered back, "I've liked you for a while now, Nick. I didn't know. Sorry." He smiled, kissing Nick's nose. "Alright, cmon, sport, let's get home."
"You think your cheek's gonna heal?" They started trying to close their now permanent cut from the corner of their mouth to the center of their cheek. "Meh.... Couple stitches and it'll be fine." They smiled, then having Nick hop up onto the hill with them. "Bye, Cory." The siblings said before hopping away onto the path leading to their house. Cory, having no home, just sat down. He shifted, curling up in a ball and started purring sleepily. Feeling someone pick up the scruff of his neck with their teeth, he jumped, looking to find Gene.

"You comin' with us or not?" He smirked, whilst holding onto Cory. Adam had been standing up straight, smiling with small sharp teeth. "Um..... I guess so." And the three ended up walking towards the same way they came.

"Oh, and Cory?" Adam looked up and the blonde cat. "Yeah?"
"If I'm sick on Monday, tell K.C. I remember their kiss."

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