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Natasha returned from a mission, it had been a long one, and the most memorable one too, it was not the first time when she had been alone with him but that night was special, special not because they were alone, not because it happened in the most unexpected and confused situation, but because it changed her life forever.

She kept staring at the report in her hand, the third one she had done, and she still couldn't believe her eyes or her stars.
"Is this actually real? " she thought, she put a hand on her lower belly and smiled.
"Yes, it has to be, I deserve to be happy, I deserve you, we deserve you" she smiled
"I need to tell someone, and it can't be him, why did he choose another mission just after the previous one" she sighed, he should have been the one to know about this first but alas!.

"Anyways i can't be alone in this, I'm too nervous, where to go.. clint?! no no he is with his family telling him would mess his time, fury? Natasha!!!! are you out of your mind it can't be fury.. but who then who, you can't trust this information with Bruce.. Ah!! Times when you are in a desperate need of a good friend"
she closed her eyes and kept thinking until her phone rang. Annoyed she picked it up. It was Wanda Maximoff, their youngest member.
"Hey nat, I am all alone this weekend can u come up and be here with me, i just hate being left alone" Wanda spoke without breath.
"No I... no no.. I mean.. Yes i would be there, I am free too.. for a long time maybe" Natasha took a long breath.
"Cool! I'll be waiting.. see ya" Wanda hooked up.
"And i would be telling the best news ever to a kid.. wow! " hopeless she went to bed.

Natasha had access to all the apartments the avengers owned and so she didn't have to ring the bell and just moved straight to the vacant room in the beautiful apartment Stark had given Wanda. She was unpacking when Wanda appeared on her room's door.
"Hey welcome home, when did you arrive? " she asked confused, she was new but she had come to know Natasha and she knew well that the Black Widow never came without a bang.
"Just now, I'm sorry I thought.. is everyone gone? I mean we r all alone right? " a nervous Nat asked.
"Yeah they left hours ago, we are all alone for 2 long days" she replied smiling, "time for some us girls to have fun"

"Uh! Wanda, just come inside and sit with me I need to tell you something "

Wanda obeyed confused, she sat down besides her, Natasha held her hands in hers and looked into her eyes.

"See I know you are a kid, and.. basically I don't know with whom to share this news and so I came to you and promise me you won't tell anyone untill I tell you. Okay? "
Wanda raised her eyebrows but nodded, "I promise Nat"

"Okay, so here goes the biggest, happiest news of my entire life" Nat smiled widely, "I'm, I'm pregnant "

Wanda was stunned, she didn't respond, everybody was aware of Nat's condition, how she could never conceive and as far as Wanda was aware, Natasha had no boyfriend and she had just returned from a dangerous mission.

"Wanda!! "Natasha shook her shoulders, "Please respond to this, you need to help me"

"But.. how? and who? and.. you just returned from a mission and you.. i am sorry but i heard you couldn't.. "

"Yes, I was shocked myself I used 10 kits and 3 official medical reports to confirm, and the doctor even got an ultrasound done, its there, its real, I am actually really pregnant, I am about to have a child, and I was unable to tell anyone so when you called I just thought maybe you could"

"Ofcourse I would Nat you are my family, you are like an elder sister to me and that makes me an aunt to your baby" both smiled, "but who is the dad? " Wanda was curious then ever.

"Who else can it be? Its Steve"

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