Part 3

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Wanda kept walking to and fro inside the room biting her nails, Natasha sat on the bed, her hands holding her knees to her chest.

"Don't worry! Let him come, I don't look pregnant right now" she tried to reason.

"Yes, but its Tony Stark, you staying with me for 2 days, he would smell that something is fishy, you never stay in his apartments" Wanda replied with worry lines on her forehead.

"I will deal with him, don't worry"

Just then Tony opened the door with a bang, he was in his Iron Man suit.

"You are here?" he said , his armor going off his face.

"Yes, I'm the intruder you are worried about, too bad" Natasha said highly annoyed.

"You were busy gossiping and I thought the girl is in trouble" Tony got out of his suit

"I can take care of myself" Wanda raised her eyebrows.

Tony made "whatever" face and took a seat, "Now tell me why on earth are you here?"

"Because I want to, I don't remember anyone explaining any terms and conditions regarding my stay here" Natasha and Tony had always been at loggerheads.

"Times like these I miss the Old Man, to my annoyance only he can reason with you people" Tony sighed, Wanda and Natasha exchanged looks

"That's why he is the Boss" Wanda smirked saying

"Why are you blushing at his name?" Tony frowned, Natasha and Wanda looked at each other again, nothing escaped his vision, Natasha looked down.

"I'm not blushing, I'm just feeling hot" she explained nervously.

"Why are you nervous then, Agent Romonoff what are you hiding from me" Tony had moved to fast, he was standing very close to her now, looking into her eyes, she tried to look away , he sat down beside her , "Why don't you people trust me, I can help too, just let me, please tell me what it is, are you hurt? Is someone after you? Anything just tell me, don't wait till he returns, you can tell this kid but not me, you know me more then her" he sounded depressed, untrusted and lonely, Natasha looked at him, she could feel his sorrow, ever since Pepper left him, the avengers were his only family too, they were all alone and had only each other.

"Uh! Tony, I'm sorry" she took his hands into hers, "Wanda get him water please" Wanda nodded

"Look Tony, you and I are not even good friends, and this thing its just too personal, I'm not threatened or anything, but you are still my family so" Natasha looked away, she got of the bed and faced the window, Tony was confused he stood up too

"I..I'm..I'm pregnant" Natasha closed her eyes and let the truth out.

Tony's eyes widened with shock, "what?!!!" he hurried to her and held her from her shoulders and turned her, "you are what?"

"Pregnant, about to have a child, carrying, expecting, whatever you understand" Natasha rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I understand what pregnant means, but how, you were supposed to...I don't understand"

"Neither do I, its a miracle"

Tony sat down on the bed again, shocked, Wanda gave him water and stood besides NAtasha, he took a sip and then looked back at NAtasha.

"Its..whose baby is it?" he looked away and laughed before she could reply, "ah! ofcourse, its him" he smiled

Wanda looked at NAtasha astonished, they both gave Tony "how do you know" look.

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